Anime Adventures is a Roblox tower defense game based on anime. In the game, you place heroes and upgrade them to defend your base from enemies. Enemies move along a path to the exit of the map. You can place and upgrade heroes using yen, which you earn by killing enemies, completing waves, and having farm towers. Here is the Complete Beginner’s Guide for Anime Adventures if you are interested in playing the game.
Complete Beginner’s Guide
The game gives you a few tutorial quests when you first start, which teaches you the basics of the game. Such as how to battle, how to collect characters, and how to evolve your characters. In our guide, we will tell you everything you need to know as you start the game. Let’s jump right in!
Upon starting the game, you will be at the spawn point and start the tutorial. After completing the tutorial, the game will give players a new character. However, the given character is somewhat weak.
Fortunately, there are codes you can redeem to get better characters and other valuable things like World Jumpers. The current working codes are: ANNIVERSARY, AINCRAD, and BILLION.
These codes can give you World Jumpers, as I have mentioned. Every story mode has six stages, but with these world jumpers, you will only need to finish the last stage.
Players can use gems, a valuable currency in Anime Adventures to summon units. If you have already redeemed codes, these gems can also be acquired thru other means.
You can obtain gems by completing quests, story mode missions, raids, waves in infinite modes, staying in the time machine, logging in daily, participating in events, or buying them with Robux.
Additionally, you can also earn them from playing the Infinity Castle. This is where you’ll replay levels from the story modes you have finished. There are currently more than 300 rooms, and you can earn 150 gems per room.
How to Summon
Each summon costs 50 gems and can pull 4 different rarities: rare, epic, legendary, and mythic. Each rarity has a different percentage to pull. Like any Gacha game, a higher rarity means lower percentage to summon it.
Moreover, you also have a small chance to get a shiny skin, which is purely cosmetic and does not provide any in-game advantages. In addition to shiny skins, you can also get units with special traits that provide additional buffs.
Furthermore, the summons change every hour, with a different pool of units available each time. You can also purchase luck potions for gems at the shop next to the summon shop.

You place units to defend against upcoming waves. There are tiers for each unit, and their damage ranges depend on their tier. Mythical units are the best, while rare units are the worst. Each unit has a unique stat when summoned. Here is everything you need to know about units, from levelling them up to evolving them.

How to Level Up Units
Units are leveled up by feeding them items obtained from story missions. This increases their damage output. They are obtainable from any game mode. You can also use spare units to feed and level them up.
The items you can use to level up your units are:
- Senzu Bean — Gives 25 exp
- Mysterious Fluid — Gives 50 exp
- Wisteria Flower — Gives 115 exp
- Ramen — Gives 250 exp
- Devil Fruit — Gives 550 exp
- Ghoul Coffee — Gives 575 exp
- Soul Candy — Gives 1000 exp
- Cooked Fish — Gives 2160 exp
- Magical Artifact, Curse Talisman, Magic Stone, Stone Pendant, Alien Core, Tavern Pie, Quirk Shard, Pirate Grapes, XP Shard, Coin Bag — Gives 3450 exp
How to Evolve Units
Players can obtain Evolution Items by crafting them or by purchasing them from the Traveling Merchant Shop.
Star Fruits, Shards and duplicate units are used to evolve units.

Types of Units
Players use units to defend against incoming enemies. Units are vital to gameplay, as they help players progress further in the game.
Most units are offensive, but some can provide support by buffing towers, debuffing enemies, or spawning other units.
Additionally, units can be placed on the ground, on hills or both (hybrid units). Only Hybrid and units placed on hills can hit flying enemies.
Each unit has its own special ability, and they can be extremely powerful when used in combination with other units.
Unit Traits
Traits, such as increased damage to bosses or a longer attack range, can modify a unit’s performance in battle.
When summoned, a unit may have a trait, but you can reroll traits using Star Remnants or Robux Reroll Tokens.
You can reroll traits by interacting with Wis, who is located outside the Evolve area in the spawn map.

Game Modes
There are alot of game modes in the game. Here are everything you can play in from story modes in the early game to infinite castles in the end game.
Story Mode
Story Mode is the main mode of the game. It features different iconic Anime locations, and rewards players with items, Gems, and XP for their units. Players also receive an extra 60 Gems for completing each level for the first time.

Challenges are harder versions of Story Acts that offer better rewards. Players must complete the corresponding Story Act before they can access the Challenge.

Players in Anime Adventures can team up to defeat a powerful boss in cooperative mode, called Raids. There are three difficulties of Raids: Normal, Hard, and Extreme. The difficulty of the Raid determines the rewards that players can earn.

In Dungeons, players can earn a variety of items, including Gems, Evolution Materials, and Dungeon Tokens.

Dungeon Tokens can be used to purchase exclusive items from the Dungeon Shop. There are two types of dungeons in Anime Adventures: Cursed Parade and Cursed Womb.
Infinity Castle
In Infinity Castle mode, players are challenged with a series of seemingly infinite rooms. It can be tedious, but the rewards are worth it! Aside from earning 150 gems per room, you can also be awarded rewards based on your rank in this mode every season.

Infinite mode is where players defend against endless waves of enemies, where each wave gets progressively harder. This mode is only available in Hard Mode.
Legend Stages are separate from story mode. They can be unlocked after beating Act 6 of the story the Legend Stage is from.
All Legend Stages provide evolution materials for newer characters, and some also provide crafting materials for Relics.
Relics can significantly boost a unit’s damage or usability if used effectively.
Gold is the second most important currency in Anime Adventures. Players can use gold to purchase powerful items such as XP Food, Star Fruits, Summon Tickets, and Raid Tickets.
Gold can also be used to create Evolution Items and Relics. Players can earn gold by selling their units, participating in events, and completing the Extra Gold Challenge.
That’s everything you need to know when playing Anime Adventures! We hope that this guide will help you as you play the game. We would love to read your comments and suggestions down below.
ALSO READ: Anime Adventures: Best Units Tier List | Update 15