The world of Atomfall can be a tough place to survive since it is a post-apocalyptic world with not many resources and plenty of enemies. On top of that, the game does not really give you much guidance on where you’re supposed to go and what you’re supposed to do. To increase your chances of survival, you’ll need to upgrade your skills. However, to get certain skill sets, you will need to obtain skill manuals. In this guide, we’ll show you all the locations of the skill manuals so that you can upgrade all skill sets. Let’s get into it!
All 8 Skill Manuals Locations
There are 8 skill manuals scattered all across the maps of Atomfall. Keep in mind that most of these manuals can also be bought from merchants – although they can be expensive. So, we’ll show you the locations where you can get them for free.
If you do want to trade for the manuals, our how to barter guide can help you nail down the trades.
Ranged Combat 1 – Firearms Mastery Manual
To get the Firearms Mastery Manual, start by heading to Skethermoor Prison on the Skethermoor map. It can be found at the following coordinates: 41.1 E, 70.8 N.
Keep in mind though that if you want to access this camp you will need to report something to Grand Sims. Otherwise, you will not be able to get in.
Alternatively, you can also purchase the Firearms Mastery Manual from Corporal ‘Bootsy’ Hughes in Skethermoor. He can be found at the following coordinates: 36.3 E, 76.2 N.

When you reach the prison, enter inside and go down the stairs. On the right side, you should see a small control room. Push the button to open the door and grab the Security Keycard so you can access locked doors.

From here, navigate through the prison to the Lower Floor and enter the Loading Bay.

Towards the back of this large room, you should see a vent. Climb inside the vent.

Here, you should see the locked door that leads to Electrical B. Use the Security Keycard to gain access to this door.

Enter the room and immediately look towards the hard right. You should see a small cabinet just next to the door you just entered from. The Firearms Manual will be on it, ready for you to pick up.

Ranged Combat 2 – Bow Mastery Manual
For the next manual, we’ll be heading to the Druids’ Camp in Casterfell Woods. The exact coordinates you want to go to are: 19.8 E, 83.8 N.
You can also purchase/rob this manual from Molly Jewitt in Slatten Dale, but only after you have bought the stealth manual. She can be found at the following coordinates: 26.4 E, 79.1 N.

When you arrive at these coordinates, you’ll find yourself in front of the large castle or fortress entrance. Next to the big door, you should see a crate with a bow leaning on it. The Bow Mastery Manual will be on the crate.

Melee Combat 1 – Stealth Manual
To get the Stealth Manual, the first step you need to do is head to Casterfell Dam in Casterfell Woods. The exact coordinates are: 20.8 E, 90.5 N.
You can also purchase/rob this manual from Molly Jewitt in Slatten Dale. She can be found at the following coordinates: 26.4 E, 79.1 N.

At these coordinates, you should find the body of Jenks. Loot it and you’ll be able to obtain the ‘Send Aim To Datlow Hall’ note.

From here, make your way to Datlow Hall in Casterfell Woods. It’s situated at the following coordinates: 25.9 E, 79.1 N.

Enter the Datlow Hall building and navigate to the dining hall. Here, you’ll find an NPC by the name of Prudence Rook. Talk to her about Jenks and she’ll give you the Conservatory Key.
You’ll now be able to unlock the Conservatory door found in the Datlow Hall Grounds.

Exit Datlow Hall and navigate to the side of the building, which has the locked door. Open it and enter inside.

At the back of the Conservatory, you should be able to pick up the Stealth Manual from the top of a small wooden box.

Melee Combat 2 – Melee Combat Manual
The Melee Combat Manual cannot be bought from any Merchant. You will need to find it if you want to get the skill sets it provides.
Start by heading to the Outlaw’s Cave in Slatten Dale. The exact coordinates you want to be at are: 25.4 E, 74.3 N.

Once you enter the cave, make your way towards the left side. Be careful, as this cave has a bunch of traps. Eventually, you’ll come across a side area that is lit by a lamp on the table. The Melee Combat Manual can also be picked up from this table.

Survival 1 – Crafting Manual
For the next manual, we recommend that you bring along a couple of Atomic Batteries as you’ll be using them power up doors.
Once you have them, head to The Interchange found towards the top right of the Slatten Dale map. The exact coordinates are: 31.0 E, 77.8 N.
Alternatively, you can also obtain the Crafting Manual as a bribe from Morris Wick after you confront him about the letter.

When you reach The Interchange, you’ll want to make your way to the Central Processor. Here, you’ll want to power up the Data Store D room so that you’ll be able to enter inside.
Once that’s done, head to Data Store D which can be found on the Interchange map.

When you enter inside, make sure to power up this room too using an Atomic Battery. After powering it up, you’ll need to get the Data Store D Store Room Key. This can be found on a body in the upper walkway of the room.
You can get to the body by jumping on the machinery. Our data store d guide can help provide more detailed directions in case you’re having trouble with this part.

Once you have the key, go to the store room and open the locked door. The Crafting Manual will be inside ready for you to pick up.

Survival 2 – Consumables Manual
To get the Consumables Manual, start by heading to Wyndham Garage located in Wyndham Village. The exact coordinates are: 35.5 E , 79.2 N.
You can also buy/rob this manual from Billy Gorse found in Casterfell Woods, at the following coordinates: 21.5 E, 89.6 N.

Enter Wyndham Garage and look towards the right. You should be able to pick up the Bakery Bedroom Key from the table alongside a note. You’ll also get The Bakery as a rumored location, which is where you want to head to next.

The Bakery can also be found in Wyndham Village at the following coordinates: 33.4 E, 80.2 N. So, make sure to head here and enter inside.

Inside the bakery, go all the way upstairs to the Bakery Bedroom. Use the key you acquired to open the door. Be careful though, as the Baker’s husband will be infected inside and he’ll attack you.

On a table at the back of the bedroom, you’ll find the Consumables Manual.

Conditioning 2 – Experimental Inoculation
Note: Conditioning 1 and 2 skill sets are both related to the same NPC. You can obtain them in any order, but we recommend getting Conditioning 2 first to minimize backtracking.
To obtain the Experimental Inoculation, you’ll first need to obtain the Church Cellar Key. For this, you’ll need to head to The Interchange again. This time though, you’ll be heading to Data Store C.
Make sure to power up the room door in the Central Processor if you want to access it. You’ll also want to power the panel inside Data Store C. So, bring along Atomic Batteries so you can have a smoother experience here.

Inside Data Store C, you want to navigate all the way to Medical.

Once you enter Medical, go to the right where there is a small lit up cubby. You should be able to find the Church Cellar Key on the floor, next to the lamp.

After you get the key, you’ll want to head to St. Katherine’s Church in Wyndham Village. The exact coordinates you want to head to: 33.0 E, 78.8 N.

Enter the church and make your way to the basement. Eventually, you’ll come across a locked door that you can open with the Church Cellar Key. This will lead you to the Forgotten Cellar.

Go to the back of the room, where you’ll come across Dr. Alan Holder. On a desk nearby, you’ll be able to find the Experimental Inoculation. Pick up the injection and you’ll receive the skill sets!

Conditioning 1 – Resistances Manual
For the next manual, you’ll need to obtain the Holders’ Keycard. To do this, you need to simply talk to Dr. Alan Holder, who we found in the previous location.

Once you have the keycard, head to Medical which we accessed for the previous manual.

Inside Medical, make your way to the locked door that has a 1 sign on it. You can use the Holders’ Keycard to open this door.

From here, you want to progress through this area all the way to the Auditorium. Be careful though, as there are many enemies here that will attack you on sight.
When you reach the Auditorium, make your way to the back of the room. Here, you’ll find a door that you need to open.

The final skill manual will be on top of a box on the right. And with that, you’ll have unlocked all the skill sets by obtaining all the skill manuals.

That’s everything you need to know about finding all the 8 skill manuals in Atomfall. Now, you’ll be able to unlock all the skill sets and have a better chance of survival. We’ve also shown you the locations of the merchants, in case you want to get the manuals and do not mind trading for them!