A Universal Time just rolled out its 3.9 update, which also includes the limited Halloween event that will last for an undisclosed amount of time (as far as we can tell, it might be until the next patch). Among the event exclusive content is the returning Shinigami move set, which can be obtained by anyone who can complete the required quests. Here is a quick guide on how to get it and what it does!
How to Get Shinigami Ability Complete Guide & Showcase
In order to unlock the Shinigami spec, you will need to complete a quest by the Distinguished Wolf NPC, who can be found just a few steps away from the central area of the starter zone.
By speaking with this NPC, you will receive the first part of the quest chain. At the start, all you need to do is find a Chest Key. It is an epic item that drops from any loot chest, which means you should just keep killing random mob camps until you get one.
There is no way to speed this up. You will just need to get really lucky. My recommendation is to just keep killing the regular thugs nearby, as they die quickly and can potentially be much faster than relying on higher level enemies.

Once you find a chest key, return to the Distinguished Wolf NPC to receive the next part of the quest. Part two of the quest chain is called Mystery Scroll, and it involves the following objectives:
- Defeat 25 Zombies – The Joestar Mansion has a lot of these scattered around at a relatively low level. You can get there via the NPC at the port, who is standing beside a large ship.
- Defeat 10 Prisoners – These are also found at the Joestar Mansion, but they have a relatively high level. Be prepared for this one, as they are really strong compared to the zombies.
- Defeat 100 Hooligans – These guys mainly spawn at the skate park, which is at one corner of the starter zone. They have a relatively quick spawn time, so just be patient for this part.
- Defeat 50 Vampires – This monster type can spawn on the Cathedral island, which you can go to by speaking with Bawxstar at the center of the starting zone.
- Defeat 75 Thugs – These can be found all around the starting area. Seriously, just turn around and you’ll see at least two or three camps of Thugs near the Distinguished Wolf.
This one is a test of patience as there are a lot of mob camps to clear for each objective. However, once you are done, all you need to do is talk to the Distinguished Wolf once more to receive the Inhumane Spirit item in your inventory. This will be important later, so store it if you have to.

The next thing you need to do is defeat the Hollow boss. He can be found at the Cathedral, which is the general area where you defeated some vampires from the previous step.
This boss can only spawn inside the cathedral building itself, and it has a decent chunk of health which ensures that he will be a formidable opponent regardless of your level and spec. It has a 50% chance to drop the Cursed Apple, which is needed for the Shinigami.
We do not have any specific strategies that will help you defeat it. As with most enemies in A Universal Time, just play it safe and kite around while spamming your abilities. Depending on your move set, this might be a breeze and you can beat it without getting too damaged.

Shinigami – Unlock & Abilities
With the Cursed Apple and Inhumane Spirit on hand, return to the starter area and go to the crafting NPC. There, you can now create the Shinigami, which will consume the two items you worked hard to find. Congratulations, you can now equip it! Here are the abilities:
- God of Death (Q Move) – This ability, when activated, will put you in an “awakened state” that lets you block all damage. During this period, your attacks are empowered and will have an increased speed and damage. However, you will also take self-damage as you attack.
- Death Whisper (E Move) – When used, your character will scream, dealing damage in a line directly in front of you.
- Death Claws (R Move) – This is a barrage of swipes that deal damage in a huge area in front of you. After the last swipe, affected targets are knocked back by just a bit.
- Ghast (T Move) – When used, your character will shoot multiple bloody skulls at a short range in front of you. This can stun affected enemies.
- Death’s Grasp (T+) – This skill will chain the target to the ground for a brief moment, which severely limits their ability to move.
- Remedy (Y Move) – This is a basic heal move with a relatively flashy green animation. Pretty self-explanatory ability.
- Nightmare (G Move) – Your character will channel some energy in a circle around them, temporarily freezing enemies that are caught within the radius.
- Phantom Legion (G+) – This ability will summon minions that will automatically attack nearby hostile targets.
- Banishment (H Move) – Upon casting this ability, your character will grab the target and throw them aside. This seems to instantly kill your opponent if it lands.
In addition to all of that, the Shinigami spec also has a soul system. Basically, whenever you kill an enemy, you passively gain stats across the board (health, defense, attack, and special). As long as you keep it equipped, you can continue ramping up to ridiculous heights as you grind with it.

And that is pretty much everything you need to know about the Shinigami and its entire move set. It packs a hell of a punch, and the fact that it can summon minions makes it a very appealing option for players who just want to chill while they grind.