Azure Latch: Complete Beginner’s Guide & Everything You Should Know

The dream begins…

Abdullah Riaz
6 Min Read

A new Blue Lock inspired game is on the horizon on Roblox in the form of Azure Latch. The game is just out but players are already starting to master the movement and skills the game offers. If you too want to enjoy this football game with some anime flair, we have you covered!

In this guide, we’ll be going over everything you need to know as a beginner to the game. This includes learning the basic movements, scoring goals and the various skills available. Let’s get into it!

Complete Beginner’s Guide & Everything You Should Know

In Azure Latch, you can pull off a lot of movement tech. We will not be going over all of this in this guide, just the basics. For a more in depth dive, check out our complete tech guide!

Basic Controls

When you start Azure Latch, the game does not tell you the controls. Knowing the controls is essential as besides movement, you have a lot of different options.

Here is a breakdown of some of the important controls in Azure Latch:

  • E – Dribble
    • Makes you invulnerable to slide tackles
  • Q – Slide Tackle
    • Use this to get the ball back from players
    • Can also be used to go to the ball with speed, similar to dash but without expending your dash
    • You can also use this move to do side dashes
  • F – Dash
    • Move forward in the direction you are traveling with speed
  • Left Click – Flick
    • Use this move to flick the ball in the air
    • Useful for getting past players if your moves or Dribble are on cooldown

Keep in mind that movement with the ball is x10 slower than when you’re moving without the ball. So, try to kick the ball away from you and use the different dash moves to get to the ball.

Otherwise, skilled players will more often than not just snatch the ball away from you.

Shooting ball in Azure Latch.

You also have an Ultimate ability that you can use when the Flow Meter is full. But keep in mind that you can only use this Ultimate once.

Also, if you have a Style like Isagi, you will see that he has an Awaken 1 and Awaken 2 skill. Make sure to use Awaken 1 before Awaken 2. Using Awaken 2 will disable your Ultimate so you will not be able to use Awaken 1.

Always use your Ultimate only in critical situations!

Flow meter in Azure Latch.

Beating The Goalkeeper

The next thing we’ll be going over are the basics of beating the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper will always follow your movements when you enter the box.

So, your goal will be to fool the goalkeeper. You can do this by going in one direction then immediately dashing in the other direction. This will open up space for you to shoot the ball.

Dash before shooting in Azure Latch.

Another great way to beat the goalkeeper is by shooting to the side of the goal from outside the box. This is because the goalkeeper AI will only follow your movements when you have the ball inside the box. So, shooting from outside will catch the keeper off guard.

Curve shots can help with this part too. To do a curve shot, hold D while shooting the ball. Doing so will curve the ball which can also get past the goalkeeper if placed right.

Curve shot in Azure Latch.

The goalkeeper AI also does something strange if it catches the ball. It will always throw the ball in the exact spot in its own half as shown below.

So, you can memorize this spot and get the ball back immediately by heading to this spot.

Goalie throwing ball in Azure Latch.

Additional Tips

If you’re on PC, we recommend that you zoom out as much as you can while playing Azura Latch. Doing so will give you a better idea of your surroundings. 

So, you’ll have an advantage as you can see exactly where opponents are.

Zoom out in Azure Latch.

We also recommend not relying too much on the crosshair. This is because the crosshair only really gives you an idea of which direction the shot will go in. Always try to aim the crosshair further up than where you are actually aiming.

This will allow you to get the shot where you actually want it to go. Otherwise, it will roll on the floor and lose speed.

Besides that, it’s all about just playing the game and learning from it. Azura Latch is a game where you have a lot of speed once you master the movement tech. So, learning to position yourself can give you a strong advantage which you will get from experience.

Cursor position in Azure Latch.

That’s everything you need to know for the complete beginner’s guide to Azure Latch. Hopefully, this has given you a good idea of where to start and how you can eventually get better. Mastering the movement and positioning will turn you into the ultimate player!

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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