Azure Latch: Complete Tech Guide

Master your movement skills and become the best player on the pitch!

Abdullah Riaz
9 Min Read

Azure Latch on Roblox offers players a lot of freedom on the pitch. You can use all sorts of different skills and movement to beat your opponent and score a goal. There are so many movement techniques available that you can easily use to fool your opponents.

If you also want to learn these techniques, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll be going over all the movement techs so that you can use them to dribble past opponents or fool goalkeepers. Let’s get into it!

Complete Tech Guide

Azure Latch is still only a few days out but already players have begun to uncover a lot of movement tech. So, we’ll be going over everything we know so far. 

You can, of course, use these techniques in different ways to come up with your own creative moves! If you’re still trying to figure out the basics, check out our complete beginner’s guide!

Technique #1 – Shooting Glitch

When you enter the box, shooting the ball at a certain angle can glitch the goalkeeper out. You can take advantage of this to hit the ball over the goalkeeper and get an easy goal.

Additionally, you can also use this to pass the ball to a teammate if they are far away. Kicking the ball above your own goal in this way will cause the ball to spawn in the middle of the pitch. This will get the ball to your teammates quicker.

Shooting in Azure Latch.

Technique #2 – Dribble Techniques

You can kick the ball down to fool an opponent, then kick it back up with force. After that, you can dash towards the ball and leave your opponent in the dust. There are various different variations of this move you can use.

Ball in air in Azure Latch.

For example, you can also slide while getting the ball. Kick the ball up and while going towards it jump and use the tackle button. Doing this will allow you to get the ball almost like a dribble. 

You can even do this side dash part in the air for a flashier dribble.

Using this you can also do a side dash to get the ball and dribble sideways. To do this, simply hold A or D and then use tackle to get more space. You can also do it by holding W and D together to automatically side dash.

Combining these various techniques will allow you to fool the opponents. Just make sure you mix it up so that the opponent does not get a read on you.

Side dash in Azure Latch.

Technique #3 – Use The Wall

If you’re close to the wall, you can actually kick the ball with force on the wall to bounce it off. If you do this right, you can just dash towards the ball to get a free shot or get past an opponent.

This technique also makes it easy to score past the goalkeeper. Goalkeepers only follow your movement when you have the ball. So, you can kick the ball up or even use the wall to get the ball past them by rebounding. After that, simply kick the ball in for a free goal.

Bouncing ball off wall in Azure Latch.

Technique #4 – Movement Without Ball

When moving with the ball, you’re x10 times slower in Azure Latch than running without the ball. So, a quick and easy thing to do is simply kick the ball ahead with force and dash towards it. Doing so allows you to basically pass the ball to yourself.

Be cautious though as you should only do this if there is space ahead. Otherwise, the ball might go out or an opponent might steal it. You can even do a side dash in between to get some extra momentum.

Dashing towards ball in Azure Latch.

Technique #5 – Flick The Ball Up

You can use flicks to get past an opponent too. Simply kick the ball up softly, then do it with power. You can get the ball past them and dash towards it to beat them.

Another thing you can do is keep flicking the ball up softly but in different directions. You can do this by looking upwards and flicking the ball.

The only problem with this is that you won’t be able to see the pitch. So, we recommend that you flick, quickly move the camera to look around, then flick with the camera upwards again.

Flicking ball in Azure Latch.

It will require a bit of skill so be sure to practice.

Using this movement tech also allows you to get the Flow Bar full in only a few seconds. But don’t spam this too much as you can only use your Awakening once in the game.

Flow meter in Azure Latch.

Technique #6 – Camera Settings

While this is not a tech, we recommend doing this anyway. In Azure Latch, go into your settings and change the Camera Mode to CameraToggle. This camera setting can help you out with your gameplay and movement tech.

With this setting, you can easily scan the field by looking in one direction and moving in another.

You can also zoom out your camera to get a better view of the field. In this way, you can better perform the tricks such as the upwards air dribble we talked about before.

Camera Toggle in Azure Latch.

Technique #7 – Curve Shots

You can actually perform Curve Shots in Azure Latch without any secret styles. All you need to do is hold D and shoot the ball normally. 

Dashing before doing this shot is a great way to make some space – especially since your finger will already be on the D key.

Curve shot in Azure Latch.

Technique #8 – Style Specific Tech

There are some specific moves only available to Styles in Azure Latch that you can take advantage of. Starting off, if you have Sae, you can easily use Magic Turn to fake and get past the keeper when they are rushing you.

Just make sure to shoot immediately after to get the goal.

Sae’s Curve Shot ability is also great for passing – so make sure to use that too.

Magic Turn in Azure Latch.

Moving onto Nagi, there are a couple of tricks you can do too. Using the Control move can allow you to control the ball in the middle of your animation. So, you can choose to either shoot the ball or pass it during this.

Control skill in Azure Latch.

With Shidou, there is a Formless skill that is really hard to pull off. To be able to do it consistently, all you need to do is flick the ball up and immediately after use Formless.

Our how to land formless guide can provide you with more details on this tech.

Isagi also has the potential of using more movement tech because of his Naruhaya Footwork move. It basically acts like a second dash so you can potentially do more combos.

Formless skill in Azure Latch.

That’s everything you need to know for the complete tech guide in Azure Latch. There is a lot more potential for movement tech since the game is still in the early stages. So, we recommend mastering and experimenting with this tech for potentially even more moves.

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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