EV (or Effort Values) are stats that your Pokemon can gain from either defeating or capturing certain types of Pokemon. A single Pokemon can get up to 510 EV’s in total, with the max per stat being 252. Boosting a Poekmon’s EV is worth the trouble, as it can help your Pokemon in fights. That is why in this guide, we will be showing you the best training guide for EV, as well as the best EV training locations you can go to help get started.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Best EV Training Guide & EV Locations
Vitamin EV Training Method

One way to train your Pokemons EV is by using the Vitamins. Just like being in the gym, these supplements can help your Pokemon become stronger in one specific EV stat. Here are the following:
- HP Up – HP
- Protein – Attack
- Iron – Defense
- Calcium – SP. Attack
- Zinc – SP. Defense
- Carbos – Speed
Each of these Vitamins will increase your EV up to 10 points, which is a pretty big boost. However, you can rarely find these Vitamins out in the wild. The only way you can get an abundance of them is by going to a Chansey Supply shop. Be warned though because just one of these are expensive, costing 10k per item.
EV Battle Training Method

The traditional method of training your EV is to fight Pokemon in the wild. This method, however, will take a seriously long time, as you have to fight a specific Pokemon a lot of times for one EV point. Let’s say, you want to boost your HP’s EV. You can fight a Lechonk, that will boost your EV by one point, 252 times to max out your EV HP stat.
It takes a really long time, but that’s kind of the point of grinding in games. Hard work will always be rewarded, and you can soon get the best out of your Pokemon when you do so. However, there is a way to boost the process.

Find a Delibird Presents and purchase Power Items that you can equip on your Pokemons. These Power Items will grant +8 EVs after every battle, which is pretty sweet. Here are the items you can buy:
- Power Weight – HP
- Power Bracer – Attack
- Power Belt – Defense
- Power Lens – SP. Attack
- Power Band – SP. Defense
- Power Anklet – Speed
Just like the Vitamins, these cost 10k per item, so they can be pretty draining on the wallet.
Best EV Training Locations and Pokemon you can farm

The best training spot for EV is surprisingly the starting area of the game. Alongside South Province (Area One), the starting area is full of Pokemon that you can fight a lot of times to get your EV stats boosted. Here is a list of Pokemon you can find, and what areas you have to go to in order to grind:
- HP – Lechonk, Paldean Wooper, Azurill (Starting area and South Province [Area One])
- Attack – Flamigo (South Province [Area One])
- Defense – Tarountula, Scatterbug (Starting area)
- SP. Attack – Psyduck, Ghastly, Houndour (Starting area, but Houndour can be found in Inlet Grotto cave)
- SP. Defense – Hoppip (Starting area)
- Speed – Buizel, Fidough, Fletchling, Pawmi (Starting area)
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