More and more games these days have added some sort of coop mechanic to them. These can be as simple as some Gacha game guilds working to progress some sort of goal without directly interacting with each other. Some games though can be direct cooperative games like Deep Rock Galactic or even Genshin Impact with their coop modes. Playing with friends will always make the experience even better for any game and seeing everyone working for a goal is just an added bonus! In this guide we’ll show you how to do the Consortium Co-op ops in CounterSide.
Consortium Co-Op Guide For CounterSide
In CounterSide there are operations that you can do with your clan. That’s right, the clan isn’t just for the funny names you can show next to your own name, there’s actually content for clans! When you join a clan, you can then start Co-op operations, these can be found under the Consortium Info then select Consortium Co-op Battle.

Once you’re inside the Consortium Co-op Battle screen you’ll see a couple of things, first is the giant Raid boss in the map along with some Arenas scattered around the map. This is where you’ll need to communicate with your clan, the Arenas are there to give the entire clan buffs so that they can take on the raid boss.

When you select an Arena, you can click on the “Artifacts in this Arena” button on the lower left to show all the artifacts you and your clan can get from this specific Arena. Some of them can be useful, while others aren’t so great so that’s why you need to communicate to your clan. There are some buffs that are generally great like Attack Speed and Attack bonuses.
Communication is the key, communicate with your clan, plan on what Artifacts your team should get and what your arenas you’ll focus on. Set a day where everyone will hit the boss at once and you should be good!
Congratulations you now know the basics of the Consortium Co-op battles, now go out there with your friends and defeat that Raid Boss! Massive thanks to ACGamer for showing everyone how the co-op battles work in CounterSide, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: CONSORTIUM CO-OP GUIDE 2022! | CounterSide – YouTube
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