If you don’t know how to find the Swarm Of Flies incantation in the Elden Ring, don’t worry – we got you covered! Swarm Of Flies is an incantation that allows you to unleash a swarm of bloodthirsty flies that attack your enemies. This incantation deals damage while building upon blood loss, and it can be cast while your character is moving. Additionally, it requires at least 11 Faith and 16 Arcane, and 14 FP cost. So in this brief guide, we’ll show you how to find Swarm of Flies so you’ll save plenty of time you would spend searching for it.
Swarm Of Flies Incantation Location – Elden Ring
First, head out to this exact location in the Mohgwyn Palace. To do so, you will have to find a portal in the northern part of Consecrated Grounds which will take you to the underground tunnels close to the Mohgwyn Palace. Alternatively, you can complete the White-Faced Varre’s questline, receive the Pureblood Knight’s Medal and fight the Mohg, the Lord of Blood.

In any case, once you arrive at this location, you’ll notice the two giant pillars.

Keep going forward through a small patch of forest, then turn right.

Naturally, there will be all sorts of creatures attacking you, but you can just ignore them if you want. Hug the big rock on the right side and keep going straight.

Eventually, you’ll reach the blood-curdling(get it?)river of blood, which is full of monsters.

Finally, you’ll notice a small cave entrance with a few corpses inside, so all it’s left is to “pillage remains” of the last corpse, and you’ll get the Swarm Of Flies!

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