Genshin Impact regularly receives new content updates on a regular basis, and the most recent patch added all sorts of new events, quests, and more. Among the new additions is Waterfall Wen, which is a new domain that offers varying rewards. Here is a quick guide on how you can find it!
Waterfall Wen Location
Simply put, the Waterfall Wen Domain of Blessing can be found within the East Slopes of Mont Automnequi, which is in the Fontaine region.
Specifically, it can be found slightly northwest of the waypoint near the middle of this area. Refer to the highlighted spot on the map below for the exact spot.

The domain itself has four levels, and you will require the following stats in order to attempt them:
- Level 1 – Adventure Rank 30 / Recommended Party Level 59
- Level 2 – Adventure Rank 35 / Recommended Party Level 69
- Level 3 – Adventure Rank 40 / Recommended Party Level 80
- Level 4 – Adventure Rank 45 / Recommended Party Level 90

You will also likely want to have at least one Geo character in your party to beat it with ease. There are several potential rewards for completing the challenge, which you can claim with resin upon a successful clear.
That’s pretty much all you need to know about Waterfall Wen and how you can find it. Now get out there and start grinding it for new artifacts!
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