God of War Ragnarok is one of the hottest games right now and for good reason. Thousands of players flooded the game with overwhelmingly positive reviews in the first days of the game and we can’t blame them. The game is a continuation of Kratos’ story in the Norse Mythology with the same action packed combat, amazing looking worlds and cutscenes as well as more open world gameplay. Since it’s more of an open world game now, there’s a lot of things you might miss when playing the game. In this guide we’ll show you where to find the Target Dummy Training Arena in God of War Ragnarok.
God of War Ragnarok: How To Unlock Target Dummy Training Arena
There’s a lot of hidden places in God of War Ragnarok, some of them hold treasures, while others have quests that you can do that lead to more treasures. Sometimes you can find challenges, enemies and gear while exploring around. There’s a place in the game though where you can do training without any trouble of dying or taking damage.

In the Raven tree you can find the training Arena, a place where you can spawn enemies and fight them without dying. You won’t get any XP in this place so why bother right? Well there are still skills that Kratos can level up just by using them, and this is the best place to do it since there’s an unlimited amount of enemies as well as you can’t really die in here. A perfect place to level up those skills!
Congratulations you now know where to find the Training Arena in God of War Ragnarok, now go out there and try to use the arena yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone where to find this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: How to unlock Target Dummy Training Arena God of War Ragnarok – YouTube
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