Grace is now out on Roblox, and while it is still in very early development, it is already getting a lot of hype as players flood in to see what it is all about. Long story short, it advertises itself as an alternative to the widely popular Rooms game, except it is much faster paced and heavily encourages you to speed through the levels. In this guide, we will go through the basics and what to expect!
Complete Guide & Walkthrough
Unlike the games that inspired it, Grace is more of a “speedrunning” type of experience where you really have to rush through the rooms. The difficulty in this game ramps up quickly, so despite the relatively safe start, things can get out of hand almost immediately.
Before we get to the more general tips, if you are looking for a guide on how to deal with the various monsters, check out our guide on how to avoid entities in Grace for more detailed instructions on each!
The First Few Rooms
Obviously, you will want to run as fast as you can to the end of each corridor. During the first few rooms, you do not have a lot of things to worry about. One thing to note is that you are going to be facing the Carnation very early into a run.
When you start to see pink flames on the edges of your screen, just keep on running to the next couple of rooms. Eventually, you will find a hiding spot off to the side that you can enter. Simply go in there and wait for the Carnation to pass through.

Aside from that, the mechanics are fairly simple for these introductory rooms. For instance, if the door is locked, you might need to run around and pull levers to get it open. They should not be too hard to find, as rooms are pretty tight here.
Eventually, you will run into a sealed metal door on the floor that will drop you down into a safe checkpoint. Whenever you are ready to continue, step on the metal plate just in front of the door.
The door will then start opening and show you the time limit for this next chain of rooms. Once you walk through, you should also see a timer on the lower left corner of your screen.
From here on out, you are likely going to encounter new enemy types after a checkpoint, up until you have seen them all. You will know that there is a new enemy when you see notes on the wall that give you hints on how to survive against them.

Some General Advice
As mentioned above, the various notes you can find in checkpoints will somewhat tell you how to deal with each new entity. There will also be a short and ominous message above it that further clues you in on how to avoid certain death.
Pay close attention to this, as some enemies can have mechanics that can be complete opposites of each other’s. For example, there are blue and red eyes that you either have to look away from or stare at, respectively.

There really is not a lot to talk about right now as the game is still, as the sole developer describes, a “pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha”. Although it is a bit of an excessive description, what it essentially means is that a lot more will be added or changed over time.
Grace is still mostly just a concept right now, since it is very barebones, but that does not make it any less fun to play. With that in mind, our final tip is to play with a group.
Not only will that make the experience a little more fun (as with any other game), but it is also because dead players can respawn at checkpoints as long as at least one member of the group makes it there. Now get in the game and start running through those spooky rooms!