There’s a safe inside Chop Shop in RoboCop: Rogue City that is actually not hard to find. However, it’s a real work to break into since the level necessary to do that is high. But obviously, there’s always the civilized method to open it, which is using the code. And this guide will be about finding that code for you.
Where To Find The Safe Combination For The Chop Shop
The safe combination for the Chop Shop is inside the shop itself. And if you don’t already know, the safe can be opened with Level 6 Engineering, which is a pretty high qualification. This might also be your reason to finding the safe combination instead to open it normally.
The safe combination is located on the shelf in the room one floor below. Just go down the stairs here and turn right.
Inside the room in the far-left corner, there’s a piece of note that you can inspect. You cannot scan the safe combination unless you have Level 2 Deduction.

This is just one of the many rewards that you can unlock in the game using Level 2 Deduction. Which is why we suggest that you quickly invest in Deduction first because that’s the level where most safe combinations can be found.
And that’s where you can find the safe combination for the Chop Shop in RoboCop Rogue City.
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