Sniper Elite Resistance: All Mission 7 Lock, Stock and Barrels Collectibles

Bring along some souvenirs from your trip to the Chateau!

Abdullah Riaz
17 Min Read

In Sniper Elite Resistance, players can engage in a variety of missions and approach their targets however they want. Alongside objectives, you can also get collectibles that provide additional lore and add replayability. If you’re a completionist, you’ll want to get your hands on all of them.

Having trouble getting all of them for the Lock, Stock and Barrels mission? Not to worry, we have you covered! In this guide, we’ll be showing you the location of all the mission 7 collectibles. Without further delay, let’s get into it!

All Mission 7 Lock, Stock and Barrels Collectibles

There are a total of 19 collectibles that you can find in Mission 7: Lock, Stock and Barrels collectibles. This does not include starting locations, stone eagles and gnomes for the medal. But nonetheless, we’ll go over all of this so you can get everything unlocked.

You can do these collectibles in any order – but we recommend doing the last three at the end as they are related to the final objective. Also, you should kill enemies in the area before going for a location as they will get in the way when you are exploring.

We’ll also be using the Derelict Barn as the starting location, as this is unlocked by default.

For the collectibles in the previous mission, refer to our all mission 6 collectibles guide!

Personal Letter #1

Starting off, make your way to the house that is indicated below on the Lock, Stock and Barrels map.

Personal letter 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the house and make your way to the living room. The personal letter will be on the dining table ready for you to be picked up.

Letter on dining table in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #1 – La Voix Du Maquis

After that, you’ll be making your way to the following location.

Hidden Item 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Here, you’ll find a villa that is shaped like an L on the map. Make your way to the outer wall and you should see the La Voix Du Maquis poster there.

Poster in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #1 – Rifle

For the first workbench, you’ll need to make your way to the same building where you get the poster. The location is shown below.

Workbench 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll need to make your way upstairs. You can do this by climbing the vines on the outer walls and climbing through the window. The workbench will be at the back and will give you the rifle upgrade after you interact with it.

Workbench for rifle in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #2 – Windmill

To get the new starting location, make your way to the windmill that you can make out on the Sniper Elite Resistance map.

Starting location 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Approach the broken windmill and go to the base. You should be able to see a campfire under the stairs. Light it up and now you’ll be able to use this spot as a starting location if you replay the mission.

Windmill campfire in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #2

Make your way further up and you’ll reach two villas standing side by side. The location of the villa that you want to go to is shown below.

Personal letter 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the villa and make your way upstairs to the office. Inside, you should find a letter on top of a cupboard.

Letter on dresser in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #3

After that, you want to head to the building indicated on the map, which is a shed.

Personal letter 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the shed and go towards the right. You should see the letter next to some hay, ready for you to pick up.

Letter in shed in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #1

Next to the Chateau, you can find a decently sized bunker shown in the image below.

Classified Document 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the bunker and go to the center. You should see the document on top of a large container.

Letter on crate in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #2 – Gold Pocket Watch

In the fields near the Chateau, there is a small shed that you can find on the map. The location is shown on the map.

Hidden Item 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the shed and you’ll see a bunch of wooden tables with various tools. The gold pocket watch can be picked up from one of the tables.

Gold watch in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #2

There is another bunker or military installation that you can come up in the top left of the map. You’ll need to head to it, with the location indicated below.

Classified Document 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter through the doorway on the ground floor and enter the room on your immediate left. You’ll see a locked safe that you can open with a key or satchel charge. After opening it, you’ll see the document inside.

Document in safe in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #2 – Pistol

For the workbench, you’ll need to go to the same bunker but on the upper floor. You can access it by a ladder. The location of this bunker is shown below.

Workbench 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

After climbing up, enter through the door in the middle. You’ll find the workbench on the left side of the room. Interact with it so you can get the pistol upgrade.

Workbench for pistol in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #4

On the map, there is a warehouse that you can find on the Lock, Stock and Barrels map. Next to it, there is a small building whose location is shown below.

Personal letter 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Open the door and you should see a small stool on the right. The letter will be on the stool, ready to be picked up.

Letter on stool in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Starting Location #3 – Western Farmhouse

To get the final starting location, you’ll need to head to the marker that is shown on the map.

Starting location 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, you should see a small gate near the fence. Deal with the lock and open the gate to unlock this location as a starting location for future runs of Mission 7.

Western farmhouse gate in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Hidden Item #3 – Engraved Lighter

Near the Western Farmhouse starting location, you should see a house. The location of the house is shown below.

Hidden Item 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter this house and there will be a small wooden table on your right. The engraved lighter can be picked up from this table.

Engraved lighter in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Workbench #3 – SMG

Next to the Western Farmhouse starting location, there is also a shed that is across from the engraved lighter house. The location of this shed is marked for your convenience.

Workbench 3 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the shed and use the ladder to go all the way up. The workbench will be tucked in the corner and will give you the SMG upgrade after you interact with it.

SMG workbench in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Personal Letter #5

For the final personal letter, you’ll need to head into the house we’ve shown on the map.

Personal letter 5 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the house and make your way up the stairs. In the attic, make your way to the end where you see a bed next to a wooden box. The personal letter will be on top of the box alongside a lamp.

Personal letter near lantern in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #1

The first stone eagle can be found on top of the Chateau where one of the objectives is. We’ve shown the marker below in case you aren’t sure where the objective is.

Stone eagle 1 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Aim at the spot shown below on the roof and you should be able to make out the eagle. Shoot it but be warned that enemies around will likely hear you.

Stone eagle on roof in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #2

The next stone eagle can be found on top of the broken windmill. The location of the windmill is shown on the map below so you know where to aim.

Stone eagle 2 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Use your scope and you’ll be able to make it out on top of the windmill. It can be a bit to the side so if you do not see it, you might need to aim from another angle.

Windmill stone eagle in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #3

For this location, you’ll be heading to the Chateau where the main objective is. The location is shown below.

Classified Document 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll be entering the Chateau from the ground floor and going towards the right side of it. Here, you should find a room that has a bunch of beds and a folding screen. The document will be on one of the tables to the right.

Letter near lamp in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #4

Next, you’ll be heading to the Chateau but this time to the underground entrance from the east side. The location where the document and entrance is shown below.

Classified Document 4 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the underground facility and then make your way to the right side of the main access door that is initially locked. You’ll find yourself in a planning room with a large table. The document will be on top of the table.

Letter in planning room in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Classified Document #5

After you get the main access door open, proceed deeper into the facility. Upon entering, go down the first set of stairs that you see on the right side.

Underground access door in Sniper Elite Resistance.

This will take you into a room that overlooks the underground facility. The classified document will be on one of the tables here.

Document on table in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Stone Eagle #3

As you progress through the underground facility, eventually you’ll be able to exit further north. This section will have the final stone eagle that is marked on the map below.

Stone eagle 3 location in Sniper Elite Resistance.

The moment you exit, you should be able to aim towards the top of the building. Shoot down the stone eagle so that you can shoot it down.

Aiming at stone eagle on roof in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Doing so will allow you to complete the objectives. However, there are still the gnomes left and you can find 10 of these that you need to shoot for the Oh Gnome, You Don’t medal. So, we’ll go over those locations next.

Our dedicated all 10 gnome locations guide can also help you out!

Gnome Location #1

Near the Derelict Barn starting location, which is unlocked by default, you’ll be able to find the first gnome. Start by heading to the location marked on the Sniper Elite Resistance map.

Gnome location 1 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, look towards some large rocks near the bushes. You should be able to make out the gnome poking out.

Gnome near rock in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #2

Next, make your way to the boardwalk that can be found near the water on the east side of the map. Head to the location marked below.

Gnome location 2 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

When you arrive here, aim your scope across at the little island near the boardwalk. You should be able to make out the gnome on the edge.

Gnome on island in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #3

From the boardwalk make your way further ahead in the road towards the pond. The location of the pond is shown below.

Gnome location 3 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Inside the pond, you should see a rock just sticking out of the water. The gnome will be on top of this rock.

Gnome in pond in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #4

You can find the next gnome by heading to the following location.

Gnome location 4 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

This will take you to a water wheel next to the bridge, where there are a bunch of boxes. The gnome will be on a barrel next to the water wheel.

Water wheel gnome in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #5

Next up, you’ll want to head into the fields where you can find a shed. It is marked on the map below.

Gnome location 5 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

In front of the shed, you should find a wheelbarrow. The gnome will be resting inside the wheelbarrow. Don’t worry, you are halfway through already!

Wheelbarrow gnome in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #6

For the next location, you’ll want to head to the windmill that you can find next to some buildings. The location of the gnome on the building  is shown on the map below.

Gnome location 6 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

You’ll want to stand a bit further away from this building so that you can actually aim the gnome. The gnome will be on the broken section of the roof.

Gnome on broken roof in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #7

After that, we’ll be heading to the apple tree farms that you can find around the center of the Mission 7 map. You’ll want to go to location shown below.

Gnome location 7 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Under one of the apple trees, you’ll see a bunch of boxes and barrels. The gnome will be resting on top of it.

Gnome near apples in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #8

Behind the Chateau in Mission 7, there are some gardens towards the north of the map. The location of the specific garden you want to go to is shown below.

Gnome location 8 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Approach the garden and look towards the pink and blue flowers. You should be able to see the gnome here. A very fitting location for it indeed!

Gnome in garden in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #9

Towards the bottom of the Chateau on the map, you should see some circular looking gardens. The specific one you want to head to is the one towards the bottom right of the building, as indicated below.

Gnome location 9 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Enter the garden and look towards the bottom of the tree trunk in the middle. You will see that it splits off into two trunks. You’ll find the gnome wedged in between both the trunks. If you can’t see it, you might need to look at it from another angle.

Gnome in tree in Sniper Elite Resistance.

Gnome Location #10

The final gnome location will require you to go towards the east road. We’ve marked the exact spot you want to go to.

Gnome location 10 in Sniper Elite Resistance.

On the side of the road, you should see some trees and tomato plants. The gnome will be hiding in the corner of the tomato plants. Shoot it so that you can complete the challenge and obtain the Oh Gnome, You Don’t medal!

Gnome near tomato plants in Sniper Elite Resistance.

That’s everything you need to know for all the mission 7 collectibles for the Lock, Stock and Barrels mission in Sniper Elite Resistance. As you can see, there’s quite a lot to do on this map compared to the other missions. You can find more collectable guides for the other missions listed below!

Abdullah loves to get lost in the stories and lands that video games have to offer. Almost like a vagabond, he never sticks to a game and instead pushes on to experience everything that he can. He is never shy of trying a new gaming experience, whether it be indie or AAA. When he isn’t playing, you’ll usually find him writing as he obsesses over new cyberpunk and sci-fi ideas or running after doggos.
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