When you’re not cutting Stormtroopers in half in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor you’re probably busy doing something else. Progressing the story doesn’t always have to be a top priority, and the galaxy can wait. The next best thing you can do while wandering about is to go on a system wide treasure hunt.
However, no Jedi Knight can be fully self-sufficient so you may have missed a few treasure chests during your journey! Don’t fret though, you can get rid of that problem by finding the Map Upgrade that reveals all of the chest locations on your map. If you’re already on the planet Koboh then you’re just a few steps away from your next upgrade. Find out more by reading the guide below!
Map Upgrade Chests Guide: Reveals All Chest Locations
The best way to start this hunt is by using the Mountain Ascent Meditation Point on Koboh. The cavern’s entrance can be found on Foothill Falls. To push on through the rest of the cavern, you need to have already finished the “Rescue Zee from the Lucrehulk” quest. This gives you the Lift and Slam ability that you’ll be using deep in the Phon’qi Caverns.

Leave the meditation point and head straight into the dark pathway that leads to Foothill Falls. Go past the broken bridge and look for the Relter to get across.

Secure a good landing and go around the back of the building to get to the entrance. A few Bedlam Raiders will be loitering near the entrance so put them to sleep to continue on.

Pull the covers to get inside, there will be more thin pieces of metal for you to pull when you head in and turn left.

Go through the crack and follow the shaft going down. Turn right where the echo is.

Keep going and you’ll eventually hit a dead end where you’ll be making use of your Lift and Slam ability.

Jump down and watch as the bridge falls apart the second you set foot on it. Old mineshafts were never really known for being structurally sound. Jump again going to the right, use your ascension cable if you feel like you won’t be able to clear the gap.

Follow the passage way as it only empties into one room. A short will fight will occur once you get to the other side.

When you finish the fight, climb the wall to the right. It will lead you to the opening on the image provided.

This time you will use the “slam” part of your new ability to create a hole in the ground. Send the boulder down and proceed to the lower levels.

The drop is pretty significant. Make sure to keep your kneecaps intact by dropping down from a height where you won’t take any damage.

Get down safely and make two left turns: First left turn should only be made if you’re looking at the same direction the image is currently looking at. Make the second left turn to descend further.

Go down and turn right. You’ll fight a few B1 Droids along the way. Get to the other side of the cavern and scale the wall going back up.

The path will shortly split into two. Take the right path and the pots will slowly multiply over time as you go.

When you get to the area that has even more pots, make another left turn and keep following the passageway.

When you see a metal grate on the right side, jump across and climb over the ledge. Turn left and the metal floor underneath you will give way.

You’ll only drop down by one floor, nothing too serious. Scale the wall to your right to get to the other side.

Dash into the green window to cross over. The path on the other side is gated off again but you can blow your way through rather easily.

The next room will have another paththat’s blocked off. Use the same method you did in the previous room to gain access to the other side.

Before you actually get to the upgrade, you’ll have to go through a boss fight first. Defeat the raider Urjef Mekor and have BD-1 slice the panel on your left.

This room will have another wall for you to scale along with an echo that you can pick up on the side.

When you get to the top, you’ll be back in the room you nearly had access to earlier before you fell off. All there is to do is interact with the panel and get your Map Upgrade. Don’t forget to visit the Wayfinder’s Tomb as well if you want an easier time gathering all of the collectibles!

ALSO READ: Chamber of Ambidexterity Guide – Star Wars Jedi: Survivor