Star Citizen has been under flak for a while since it’s development all those years ago, and it’s understandable. With the current rate they’re progressing with the development, it’ll be released by the time we actually have affordable space travel. Still, it’s a game with a steady following, amazing graphics and cool ships and there are a lot of ships! If you’re wondering what to pick as a ship to save up for or buy with real world money then let us suggest some ships for you in the game!
Star Citizen: Top 10 Best Ships To Get
The ships listed here isn’t in particular order but covers all of the different playstyles you can do in Star Citizen. From fighting other ships to mining to exploring and trading, there’s a great ship for each of those. So let’s get started!
Anvil C8X Pisces Expedition

One of the best starter ships in the game and is one that you can buy for 60 dollars with the game. The Pisces Expedition is great if you’re just starting out or you’re looking for a nimble ship that has some great milage and is easy to handle. It’s also one of the ships that you can easily get out of so it’s good for doing box missions as well.
Aegis Avenger Titan

A step up from the Pisces this is a ship that you can use for almost every part of the game. It has a great cargo hold, great weapons and shields and you can use it for exploring as well. It contains a bed for you to log off from, and one of the best pilot views in the game. Definitely a must-have!
Drake Cutlass Black

Let’s face it, it sounds better if you called this ship the Hammerhead. One of the best entry-level multicrew ships in the game. It has good cargo and a ramp to carry vehicles for exploration or combat. It has a turret for a friend or crewmember and has great hardpoints and shields for combat. A multi-purpose vehicle for multicrew
Aegis Vanguard Harbinger

The Aegis Vanguad Harbinger is a Heavy Fighter that boasts the boasts a lot of firepower for its size. It’s a 2 seater where the pilot has control of 4 custom size 2 weapons and a size 5 hardpoint, not to mention 4 size 4 missile racks and a size 5 missile rack. The co-pilot can have a missile pod at the top or control a size 3 repeaters. One of the better early-game fighters out there.
RSI Constellation Andromeda

A longstanding ship in the game the Andromeda is still one of the best multicrew ships out there. It has a lot of weapons, a lot more missiles, a huge cargo bay, a fighter dock at the back and can carry ground vehicles. This ship is heavy and it’s maneuverability isn’t the best, but its firepower and multicrew capabilities is nothing to scoff at.
Aegis Gladius

The Aegis Gladius is a purpose build light fighter with a lot of firepower. It’s one of the best light fighters in PVP combat and its many front facing weapon hardpoints as well as it’s great shield makes it a monster in fighting. This ship has a high skill ceiling and if you master the ship you can pretty much use it for any combat mission in the game.
MISC Prospector

One of the two miners in the game and is the smaller and cheaper one. If you want to get a lot of money fast and do some relaxing mining then this is the ship for you. It’s pilot seat has great visibility for looking for mining targets and it even has a bed if you want to logout somewhere.
Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter

What if you want to instead do some hauling to get your money? Well the Hercules Starlifter is the ship for you. It’s easy to handle and has one of the biggest cargo capacities in the game and inside an atmosphere this ship is just fun to fly around. It’s also one of the few ships that can carry heavy combat vehicles, so if you want to bring a tank somewhere, you’ll need this!
Aegis Eclipse

This ship is sleek, it’s cool looking and its wings fold. Not to mention it hits harder than a Hercules if you ram it at a friend with its torpedoes. It’s a stealth bomber and a skilled pilot can easily make this ship’s signature lower to 1KM, and with an 8KM range for the torpedo whatever is on your sights will have a nice explosive surprise speeding towards him.
Anvil Carrack

A big and expensive ship that can do pretty much everything. The Anvil Carrack is the best exploration ship in the game with an on-board regeneration point, which is basically a spawn point. It’s one of the best ships to play with a friend due to its multi-crew capabilties, with 4 turrets, a snub fighter bay, a cargo ramp for vehicles and a medbay. It also has a massive cargo capacity and enough quantum fuel that you’ll probably have to refuel in hours.
Congratulations you now know some of the ebst ships in Star Sector, of course there’s a lot more ships out there so don’t forget to branch out from this list and see what’s best for you! Many thanks to LevelCapGaming for showing everyone the best ships in the game, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Top 10 Best Ships To Buy In Star Citizen – YouTube
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