Finding a Starsplinter Iron in Genshin Impact can be a bit tricky. In this part of The Crane Returns, on the wind quest in the game, you will need to use vision to find Starsplinter.
Find Starsplinter Iron in Genshin Impact
So as mentioned, you will need to use vision on the location where you may find Starsplinter Iron. But where is this location exactly?
Starsplinter Iron is located south of Mt. Tianheng and east of Qingxu Pool, right in the mountains. The exact location is indicated on the map in the image below.

When you are at the location marked on the map, on the rocky mountain area, climb a little higher on the cliff. Here you will find the Starsplinter Iron glowing in gold.
NOTE: When here, remember to use your vision in order to spot the Starsplinter Iron.

The second one is located directly opposite this location. On the large stone pillar covered with bushes, you will find the second Starsplinter Iron.
Quite an easy quest to complete once you are in the right location!
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