
Baldur’s Gate 3: What Happens If You Defeat Commander Zhalk?

Send him back to the 9 hells!

Baldur's Gate 3 Commander Zhalk Defefated

When going through the starting parts of a game sometimes you see events and think it’s all scripted. In Baldur’s Gate 3, there’s a whole starting sequence where there’s a fight between two high leveled enemies. You’re not even supposed to fight them since you’re level 1 but what if you do? What if you try and defeat Commander Zhalk in the starting sequence of the game?

In this guide, we’ll show you what happens if you defeat Commander Zhalk at the start of the game. We’ll also give you some tips on how to do so. Now, let’s see if we can defeat this devil, not to be confused with demons!

What Happens If You Defeat Commander Zhalk?

Usually, we give spoiler warnings for our guides on story heavy games like Baldur’s Gate 3. The thing is the fight with Commander Zhalk is 10 minutes in the game. Or 4 hours and 10 minutes if you spend 4 hours in the character customization like me.

At the very end of the ride in the Nautaloid ship, you’ll see a room where a devil called Commander Zhalk is fighting an Illithid. The Illithid orders you to interact with the ship’s controls to get them out of there. Most people just go to the console fighting the lesser devils around the commander.

What if you defeat the commander? Well, if you defeat the Commander more devils will show up, but you can loot the commander’s body for the Everburn Blade. A nice greatsword that deals extra 1d4 Fire damage when you hit with it.

Baldur's Gate 3 Everburn Blade
It’s a great early game weapon for characters that can use it, like Lae’zel!

Defeating Commander Zhalk can be quite tricky but there are ways of making it easier. If you’re a warlock, you can hex him to deal more damage with Eldritch Blast.

If you free Shadowheart you can also use both her 1st level spell slots on Guiding Bolt, which deals radiant damage, something he’s not resistant to. You can check out our guide on how to release her from the Illithid ship if you don’t know how to!

It really goes down to the luck of your rolls, it could be challenging with bad rolls or easy with critical hits. Just be sure to defeat him at or around Turn 5, because after that turn more devils pop out as two Level 4 Cambions will attack you. Also remember that if Commander Zhalk dies the Illithid will become hostile to you as well!

That’s what happens when you defeat Commander Zhalk in Baldur’s Gate 3. Now go out there and try to do it yourself! Hopefully you’ll get good rolls!

ALSO READ: Baldurs Gate 3: Bard vs Cleric – Which Is Better?


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