
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Get Balduran’s Giantslayer & Helm of Balduran Legendary

Those are some powerful legendaries!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most anticipated games released this year, and it certainly didn’t disappoint games. The third installment in the series made by Larian Studios has captivated the heart of many gamers with its expansive open world and RPG elements. Moreover, the presence of classes and sub-classes allows payers to freely style their characters and explore the Forgotten Realms with them. This guide will focus on how to get Balduran’s Gianslayer and Helm of Balduran.

Balduran’s Giantslayer & Helm of Balduran Legendary


To find these two legendary items, you will first need to find the secret entrance to the Wyrm’s Rock Fortress. Using the map image below, head into the fortress and interact with the Passageway to enter Wyrm’s Rock Prison


Once you enter the Prison, go straight ahead and take the first left. You will see that this path is a dead end. However, go to the end of the path and face towards the left. You should see a pair of Dragon Head Torches on the wall. Interact with these torches to extinguish them.

Dragon Head Torches

Once the torches are extinguished, you need to cast the Witch’s Bolt spell on one of them. This will result in an electricity arc between your character and the torch. While this arc is active, walk towards the other torch, which will result in it lighting up as well. Once both the torches are lit with a Blue Flame, the wall behind will disappear, revealing the secret passage.

Secret passage revealed

Go through this secret wall to enter the secret passageway. Follow the passage to the end and interact with the Iron Door to enter into the Wyrmway to begin the trials of Balduran. Open the door at the end of the path, and this will allow you to enter a giant room where the different trials await.

Chamber of Justice

The first trial to solve is the Chamber of Justice. From the entrance to this giant room, simply follow the path to the end and take a right. You will emerge into a smaller room with a giant statue in front of you and a glowing White symbol on the floor. The symbol will be covered with a sort of Purple Haze which you will need to remove.

Chamber of Justice

Once inside the room, interact with the Statue of Balduran, and a conversation will initiate in which he will tell you that justice should not be stopped. When the dialogue with Balduran finishes, use the Remove Curse spell on the Shrouded Paintings to reveal them. Once the spell has been used, there will be three paintings named “The Hanging,” “Freedom,” and “The Cell.”

Removing curse

Interact with “The Cell” painting and pick it up. Then place it in the empty pedestal to complete the puzzle. If you did it correctly, then the Balduran statue should speak out and start glowing. Inside the main chamber, the statue should also start glowing, indicating that the puzzle has been solved successfully.

Chamber of Strategy

Next up is the Chamber of Strategy puzzle which is towards the upper right side of the main chamber. It can be identified using the map where the chamber will have a board similar to a Chess Board on it. Once inside the chamber, interact with the Balduran statue once again, and he will tell you that the Dark King must fall in two moves.

Chamber of Strategy

Once the conversation with Balduran finishes, Gale will attempt to offer a suggestion since he is familiar with Lanceboard. He will tell you to move the White Queen to the upper right corner and then four spaces to the left. This will force a Checkmate on the Dark King.

Gale's suggestion

At this point, you have two options. You can either follow Gale’s advice and move the pieces, or you can brute force the puzzle by directly killing the king. We will refer to the latter option since it is much easier. To brute force the puzzle, simply attack the king with any damage spell that deals more than 50 damage. This will result in the piece being destroyed, and the puzzle will be completed.

Chamber of Courage

After exiting the Chamber of Strategy, you will notice that the Dragon Head Torches on the left of the room will suddenly light up. This will indicate the location of the next trail. Open the door and enter into the rather large room. As the name suggests, the trial will test the player’s courage meaning that a fight will be on the cards.

Chamber of Courage

Hence it is best to summon familiars or spirits to help you with this fight. The fight will begin once you interact with the Statue of Balduran and the conversation with him finishes. Your goal here is to defeat all the enemies to pass the trial. Once all the enemies have been successfully defeated, the statue will light up.

Chamber of Insight

After you get into the main chamber, you will notice that all the statues have been lit up except one. However, you cannot spot the entrance to any other chamber to complete a puzzle. This is because the entrance to the final chamber is slightly hidden. Assuming that all the other trials have been completed, simply look between the unlit and the lit statues. You will see a faint trail that resembles something like a bridge.

Secret path

Follow the bridge to the end, and there will be a small door. Open the door, and you will enter into the Chamber of Insight. Once you enter the chamber, you will immediately notice the three red enemies down below. To make sense of this trial, interact with the statue. In the conversation, it will be revealed that you need to essentially find and eliminate the imposter from the counsel.

Chamber of Insight

To help to guide the imposter, there will be several scrolls placed around the area that the player can read to find clues about the identity of the imposter. To make this easier, simply hit the left-most enemy with a ranged attack to complete the final trial.

Final Fight

Once all the trials have been completed, the giant door in the middle of the main chamber will open. Head down the stairs and interact with the door to open it and emerge into the final area. You will emerge into the Dragon’s Sanctum, where another statue will await you. The conversation will be relatively long, where Balduran will recap your achievements and then finally tell you to go seize your fate.

Dragon's Sanctum

Once the conversation ends, the door in front of you will open, and you can proceed forward. As you enter into the final chamber, you will notice the remains of Ansur on the floor ahead. This is just bait since interacting with Ansur will spawn the final wave of enemies. Hence make your preparation before you loot Anur’s corpse. Once the enemies have been defeated, you can once again loot Ansur’s body, and the Giantslayer will be there waiting to be taken.

Balduran's Giantslayer

Behind Ansur’s body, there will be a small chamber in which the Helmet of Balduran will be sitting on a stone pedestal. Simply pick it up, and a small cutscene will play, indicating that Aurthur’s essence is still alive in this helmet, and it will protect the wearer.

Helm of Balduran

We hope that this guide was helpful to you in helping you find the two legendary items in Baldur’s Gate 3. Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for future content.

ALSO NEXT: Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Get Viconia’s Walking Fortress Legendary Shield


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