A One Piece Game is a One Piece ROBLOX RPG where you fight enemies, go on adventures and progress. As you progress, the need to gather the game’s currency becomes more and more important. This is why you want to always find the best method when it comes to farming these currencies.
Gems is one of the most important currencies available in the game. With this currency, you can awaken your fruit, buy some accessories or even get Dual Yoru. In this guide, we will provide you with some of the best ways to get Gems in All Seas.
Best Ways To Get Gems In All Seas
The best way to get Gems from the First Sea is from Raids or Buggy Islands. However, it is not recommended for you to grind for Gems at First Sea since it is not worth it. Instead, you will want to grind for gems at other Seas.

For Second Sea, you will want to grind at Udon Prison. This is one of those islands where NPCs give you gems upon defeat. The place is also considered to be one of the best places for you to farm stats in Second Sea. For beginners, you can go on Zou Island instead.
On Zou Island, you will want to head on top of the tower and use the Stationary ability. This will then creates a huge explosion that clears most monsters on the island. If you manage to AFK and leave this overnight, you will be able to get a whole lot of gems.

The same trick applies for when you are able to reach Udon Island. You will want to choose an area that has a lot of NPCs, then use your Stationary Ability to defeat as many enemies at once. If you position yourself right, you can get up to 100 gems each time you use your ability.

The Third Sea is the best way for you to get Gems since this is the hardest area out of the three. The best place for you to find Gems is by completing the Pica Dungeon.
Inside the dungeon, you will be able to see a huge boss which you need to defeat. It is best for you to do it with friends for the quickest results.

For this boss, you will want to use your Stationary Ability and place the station on top of the boss. Then, move up to a higher area where the boss cannot reach you.
After that, keep spamming the ability until the boss is defeated. Upon defeating the boss, you will receive up to 3,000 Gems along with a rare chance of obtaining the accessories from the boss.

That is your best ways to get Gems in all Seas in A One Piece Game. Each Sea in the game has its best area for you to grind your gems in as you progress.
Once you are able to farm in the Third Sea, keep spamming the Pica Dungeon and you will also have chances to gain rare accessories that boost your strengths while also getting lots of Gems!
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