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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: All Marble Locations In Mount Craw

The more Lost Marbles you discover, the closer you’ll get to permanent +10 Strength!

If you consider yourself a completionist and want to collect and accomplish everything in the game, you’ll need to write Lost Marbles off your checklist.

These orbs are full of surprises and other than giving you experience and gold, destroying all of them will give you an additional 10% of Strength.

And since there are only two of them at Mount Craw, you won’t have any trouble finding them. This post will cover the sites of Lost Marbles you may discover in Mount Craw. 

Mount Craw Lost Marbles Locations: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands


To get to this Lost Marble, head to the area below, and you’ll find a small wooden house.

The Lost Marble is on a balcony, but to reach it, you’ll need to get to the roof first, then drop down.

And believe us, it’s much more challenging than it may seem at first. Also, don’t bother trying to shoot the marble from a distance since it needs to be smashed.


Finding the second Lost Marble is much more comfortable, but you’ll need to be cautious, and here’s why.

You’ll have to climb the ladders from this location shown below and get to the wooden platform. You’ll immediately notice the Lost Marble, and you’ll probably want to smash it as soon as you see it. Don’t.

You’ll notice a pipe in front of you which blows steam (or some kind of white ray) that will obliterate your health. It shoots and then stops, so wait for it to stop and get to the Lost Marble safely. 

As usual, collecting all the Lost Marbles from a specific area completes the challenge!

ALSO READ: Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: All Poetry Page Locations In Mount Craw


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Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: All Poetry Page Locations In Mount Craw

All Lore Scroll Locations In Mount Craw | Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands