
Avatar Elemental Adventure: Complete Archer Guide

A good archer is not known by their arrows, but by their aim.

Avatar: Elemental Adventure provides players with a variety of options when it comes to choosing a class. Each class and sub move set has its own particular style of play. Players can play around with these classes and sub move sets to find a build that suits their style of play. One such move set is Archer.

The Archer sub move set has a variety of characteristics that can be confusing for first time players. They have so many moves, which all vary depending on the type of Archer you are. So, we will try to cover everything related to this sub move set in the complete Archer Guide. This will allow you to master the Archer class in no time! Let’s dive into it!

Complete Archer Guide

In this guide, we will cover everything that you need to know about Archers. There is a lot of information so it will be divided into categories.

We will provide a small overview, before diving into each move, its stats, the best way to use them and the best stats for each variant of Archers.

The Archer’s moveset does require you to level up. So, it would help to check out this Leveling Guide for Avatar: Elemental Adventure.

Archer Overview

Archer is a sub move set of Flame and Non-Elemental. It can be obtained at Level 1 from the Archer NPC who can be found at the Flame Harbor. The Archer move set will replace all the flame moves that the player has.

Talking to Archer NPC in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Elemental Archers can use Flame sub abilities, which include Thunder and Explosion. They can also use Flaming Arrows.

On the other hand, Non-Elemental has the advantage that they can use Acrobatics to move around. Also, they can use Dim Mak or Throwing Knives, while having Regular Arrows.

Fighting an enemy as Archer in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

When you get the Archer move set, your character’s outfit will automatically change, and you will get a unique Face Paint.

You can toggle the Face Paint on or off in the Settings Menu, but you can’t remove the outfit while you have the outfit. 

However, you can remove the Archer moveset if you want by visiting the Archer NPC. After that, you can remove the outfit.

Archer outfit and face paint in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Archer Move Set

All the Archer’s offensive moves make use of Aim Assist. This is not the same as Ability Tracking, where the move can lock onto a target and change trajectory in midair.

Rather, aim assist corrects the initial position of the move and causes it to align properly with the target being aimed at. This means that the arrow will not change direction after it has been fired.

If you aim anywhere towards or near the opponent’s body, aim assist will automatically align your aim towards their center. This ensures that players do not have to be extremely accurate when using the move set.

Aim Assist in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

The Archer’s Move Set features a variety of skills, each with its unique stats and style. Here are all the skills:

  • Quick Shot: Unlocked at Level 1. The user fires an arrow in the direction of the mouse cursor. This skill has aim assist.
    • Base Damage: 20 (at 0 Strength). Increases by +1 for every 5 Strength.
    • Maximum Damage: 100 (at 398 Strength).
    • Stamina: 9-10 Stamina per use depending on User Stamina
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Triple Shot: Unlocked at Level 15. The user fires three arrows at the same time in the direction of the mouse cursor. This skill has aim assist.
    • Base Damage: 20 (at 0 Strength per Arrow). Increases by +1 for every 13.3 Strength.
    • Maximum Damage: 50 (at 398 Strength per Arrow).
    • Stamina: 14-15 Stamina per use depending on User Stamina
    • Cooldown: 15 seconds.
  • Raining Arrows: Unlocked at Level 25. The user fires three arrows upward that fall down in a downward arc in the direction of the mouse cursor. This move has three separate hit boxes and aim assist.
    • Base Damage: 10 (at 0 Strength per Arrow). Increases by +1 for every 8 Strength.
    • Maximum Damage: 60 (at 396 Strength per Hit Box).
    • Stamina: 14-15 Stamina per use depending on User Stamina
    • Cooldown: 20 seconds.
  • Grapple: Unlocked at Level 75. The user fires an arrow with a rope attached to it before ziplining up to the location.
    • Stamina: 14-15 Stamina per use depending on User Stamina
    • Cooldown: 10 seconds.
  • Fast Shot: Unlocked at Level 100. The user fires an arrow in the direction of the mouse cursor. It is slightly faster than the arrow shot from Quick Shot. This skill has aim assist.
    • Base Damage: 25 (at 0 Strength). Increases by +1 for every 4 Strength.
    • Maximum Damage: 125 (at 399 Strength).
    • Stamina: 19-20 Stamina per use depending on User Stamina
    • Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Archer Moveset shown in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Effective Combat Strategies

  • The Archer move set is all about punishing opponents by trading with them. The aim assist feature practically guarantees that you will be able to land a hit on your opponent whenever they use a move themselves. As a result, Archer is one of the best pure trading move sets in the game.
  • We recommend that you preserve Fast Shot for trading situations. This is because it is the most reliable and strongest move an Archer can have.
    • However, it does have a high cooldown, so you want to use it for the right situation. This way, you can get the most value out of it.
  • In situations where you can’t use Fast Shot or are waiting for the cooldown, use Quick Shot. However, do not rely too much on this skill since it has a very low damage.
    • But in a pinch, it can be a great move for trades since it has a low cooldown and can be used more frequently.
Trading with an enemy in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.
  • Use both Fast Shot and Quick Shot to punish Panic Dashing from opponents. A well-read dash can also be easily punished with the Archer’s move set.
Punishing panic dashing enemy in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.
  • The most reliable neutral move that you have as an Archer is Triple Shot. This move can be used to put pressure on your opponents and force them into a mistake, which you can punish with other skills.
    • It is also easy to manipulate each of the individual hit boxes.
Using Triple Shot in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.
  • To escape unfavorable or dangerous situations, you can use Grapple. However, avoid using Grapple by itself as it is very risky, and you can easily get punished by your opponents.
    • Instead, combine it with a double jump to provide them with less time to react and punish you.
Jumping before using Grapple in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.
  • Raining Arrows is generally considered an unfavorable skill. However, it can be used for some niche situations.
    • It can be used directly in front of the user to act as a deterrent that prevents opponents from using rushing move sets. It can also be used to break down structures like rock walls.
  • Raining Arrows is also best utilized by the Dim Mak variant. This is because they are able to land 2-3 arrow hit boxes at the same time.
    • As a result, it is the strongest single damage move in the game, as long as all three hit boxes land on the opponent.
Breaking rock with Raining Arrows in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Elemental Archer Variants

There are many sub variants of the Archer move set. However, the best variants are the Elemental Versions.

This is because the flame sub abilities have a lot of power. They also have access to the Mastery Scroll, which is a must-have for any Flame elemental Archer.

Moreover, it significantly reduces the stamina needed to be successful with the move set.

Elemental Archer in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Starting with the Explosion Archers, you want to focus on pure trading with Archer moves up close.

After that, put pressure on your opponents by using explosions from a distance. Additionally, you can use explosions to break yourself out of Stun Moves while damaging your opponents.

Using Explosion on enemy in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

When it comes to the Thunder Archers, you want to focus on pure trading the entire time. You do this by focusing on your Archer moves and powerful Thunder moves.

Using Thunder Skills on enemy in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

These Variants are better than one another depending on the opponent you are facing. Thunder Archers are better against Flame and Frost Liquid. This is due to the sheer power of Thunder Strike.

This Power can compete with Flame’s Raw Damage in trading situations and hit Frost Liquids through Barrage and Liquid Block

Against other variants, you are better off using Explosion Archers. This is because of the sheer pressure that the player can apply with Explosions. You can also break yourself out of stuns with careful Explosion placements.

Fighting an opponent as Elemental Archer in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Non-Elemental Archer Variants

The Dim Mak and Throwing Knives versions are part of the Non-Elemental Variant. They are worse than Explosion and Thunder variants because they lack powerful pure trading moves, which are the main strength of Archers. They also lack the Mastery Scroll which allows more stat flexibility.

However, these Non-Elemental Variants possess Acrobatics. Acrobatics allow these Archers to have a more hit and run style of fighting.

Use Acrobatics to force out dashes from your opponent, after which you can punish the dash. 

Using Acrobatics in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

For the Throwing Knives Variant, pure trade only with Fast Shot and Knives when using it. This is because any other trade will leave you at a disadvantage.

Besides the specific trading situations mentioned above, using this Variant to poke down your enemies whenever you can in Neutral.

You can do this by using Sais, Triple Shot, Quick Shot and Stilettos.

Using Throwing Knives in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

The Dim Mak Variant is the worst one. The main advantage of this Variant is that you can one shot kill opponents with a successful Chi blocking move. Although this requires a lot of stamina and proper timing to do it correctly.

However, Dim Mak Archers can use this to get a mental advantage. This is because opponents will dash away from you, out of fear of getting Chi blocked and dying immediately. As a result, you get easier punish scenarios off of a dash. 

You can do this by using Fast Shot, Quick Shot and Triple Shot. However, you end up giving up crucial moves that are important for the Archer play style when you choose Dim Mak.

Using Chi to one shot kill enemy in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

Here are the recommended stats that you should have for all Archer Variants:

  • Explosion Variants: 326 Strength | 340 Defense | 134 Stamina.
    • Equip Mastery Scroll
    • Equip Ninja Mask or any helmet with 10 HP or more where Explosion is usable.
  • Thunder Variants: 328 Strength | 340 Defense | 132 Stamina.
    • Equip Mastery Scroll
    • Equip any helmet with 10 HP or more
  • Throwing Knives Variants: 345 Strength | 305 Defense | 150 Stamina.
  • Dim Mak Variants: 316 Strength | 334 Defense | 150 Stamina.
    • Equip a +10 Helmet or more.
Stats Menu indicated in Avatar: Elemental Dungeon.

That’s the entire Archer sub move set covered in this Avatar Elemental Adventure guide. As you can see, the Archer move set is very versatile since there are so many variants. We recommend that you use this move set if you are prepared for a style that promotes trades. Additionally, utilize the strategies we provided to ensure that you can get the most out of this move set!

READ NEXT: Avatar Elemental Adventure: Ranking Guide


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