We’re nearing the end of the event in Genshin Impact and for today’s subject, it’s going to be “Basically Purple Teyvat Product.” This is rather easy and there’s way more purple products you can take pictures of than you think. Each event only lasts for a day, so make sure not to miss them! Without further ado, here we go.
Basically Purple Teyvat Product Location
Today’s event is very easy! You can get all of the purple products from Inazuma in one spot. Just to name a few things that will work for this category: Sakura Bloom, Onikabuto, Naku Weed, Lavender Melon, Wolfhook, etc.
Head to the Grand Narukami Shrine. Just around the small shrine location, there should be a total of 7 objects you can take pictures of.
There are 6 Sakura Blooms and 1 Naku Weed. Then, walk down the stairs to find even more blooms, fruits, and one Onikabuto. And that’s it!
Alternatively, head to the Wolvendom and explore the area surrounding the World Boss. There should be more than enough Wolfhooks to take pictures of.
And that’s all for the ‘Basically Purple Teyvat Product’ subject for today’s event in Genshin Impact! Let us know how your sample collecting is going down below.