Embark on a journey to collect every food you can find in a kitchen or in other parts of the house with Roblox: Secret Staycation. Remember, some foods may be easy to find while others require a lot more searching. Are you up for the challenge? Then, let us tell you where to find one of our favorite desserts: The Apple Pie.
How To Get Apple Pie
Secret Staycation released an update with a brand-new room that has loads of new snacks to satisfy your appetite. 8 new foods to be exact. But today, we’re craving something specific which is an Apple Pie, so let’s see how to get it.

Bring along your buddies for this one, because you’ll need two players to acquire the apple pie. Now, all you have to do is follow along and we’ll show you where to go.
SIDE NOTE: Do you want to see all the locations in one place? Make sure to check out our dedicated guide for All Food locations in Secret Staycation!
Bring two Candy Canes
Once you’ve decided which Candy Cane buddy, you’d like to share your apple pie with, you are ready to spawn onto the counter tops.

From here on, you would want to head over to the stove which is attached right at an angle to the countertop you are on. The flame of the stove is on, however. So, you might want to be quick here before you end up getting caramelized.

Your Candy Cane buddy follows along with you while you drop to the handle of the oven underneath the stove. (Kind of silly and unserious but that’s what we love about this game!)

Finally, it’s your friend’s turn to jump on the handle. The weight of both candy canes should be sufficient enough to open the oven. Now, you might find yourselves stuck on the ground again with no way to get back up to collect your well-deserved Apple Pie.
Don’t worry, though. The adventure doesn’t end there.
Start Again
At this point, you’re probably getting impatient and hungry. All you have to do to collect your Apple Pie is start the game over to respawn on the counter tops again.

No, you do not have to repeat the entire process because the oven will remain open just like you left it. Now, you have to just head back over there. Jump on the middle tray of the oven and lying there, you’ll find a tasty, fresh dessert called the Apple Pie.
This pie is made up of Puff pastry, apples, sugar, flour, eggs, butter, cinnamon and honey. All irresistible ingredients.

Collect your Apple Pie and you can play around to see how it moves. Unfortunately, you can’t eat this treat, but you can use them as a character in your collection of foods. The Apple Pie is specifically ideal to use as a flat surface, where other foods can jump on top of its head.
You can use this feature as your advantage in reaching a location or simply helping a friend out.

So, there you have it! Still hungry and looking for something more natural like some fruit? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to get Dragon Fruit Location in Secret Staycatio!