
Omini X: How to Compete DNA Aliens Raid Guide

Learn how to beat this tough new challenge in Omini X!

With the latest update of Omini X, which is a Ben 10-inspired Roblox experience, various new features were added to give players even more challenges to attempt. Among them are a bunch of raids, including the DNA Aliens raid. In this guide, we will show you how to get there as well as how you can beat it completely solo!

How to Complete DNA Aliens Raid Guide

First up, what you have to do is switch over to a character that can fly. This way, you can very quickly travel over to the entrance of the raid itself, which is pretty high up.

With a flying character equipped, head over to the large tower with strange rings and spherical shapes stuck to it just slightly past the farm area.

Omini X player flying towards the raid tower, with the structure highlighted

Once you get there, go somewhere near the middle part of the tower. There, you will see a green circle platform connected to one of the large rings.

This is the entrance to the DNA Aliens raid, so just stand on top of it and hold down the E button to go in the instance. This will immediately start the raid, so ensure that you are ready with a plan before you begin!

There are two different ways to beat the raid, with both of them being pretty cheesy and can trivialize the entire fight. We’ll quickly go through both of these methods in the next couple of sections.

Omini X player approaching the entrance to the DNA Aliens raid

Method #1. Soaring Through the Air

One way to complete the raid without taking a single point of damage is by simply using a character that can attack while flying in the air.

Any airborne alien can make the whole instance a breeze, since pretty much none of the enemies can hit you while you’re flying. Depending on how much damage you deal, this can make the whole fight last a hilariously short amount of time.

This is actually a pretty funny way of dealing with the actual raid boss, as it will simply stand still under you, completely helpless as you chip away at its health.

Just make sure not to fly too close to the boss (or any of the other enemies for that matter), as you will still take damage if you do.

Omini X player flying over the DNA Aliens boss while attacking it

Method #2. Getting the Boss Stuck

This next one is equally cheesy, though there is a slight element of risk as enemies can still reach you if you don’t move fast enough. Because of that, you should pick a character that can run very quickly.

Once only the boss is left in the arena, what you have to do is kite it around by running in circles until it gets stuck in the pillar in the middle. This may take a bit of time, so just keep your distance.

Eventually, you will know that you did it correctly if the boss just suddenly comes to a complete stop while standing beside the pillar. It is essentially helpless at this point, as it can’t move or fight back.

Omini X DNA Aliens raid boss stuck in the pillar

Once the boss is stuck in this position and refuses to move, you are free to use any character you want and just start chipping away at its health.

To be a bit on the safe side, keep your distance while you are attacking it. Getting right beside it may reactivate its AI and deal damage to you. With that said, you can still hit it with closerange attacks.

Also, it should be noted that you can use the hoverboard in the arena so that you can get away from enemies and transform safely. This is especially helpful if you enter the raid with the wrong alien!

Just in case you don’t have the hoverboard yet, you should check out our guide on how to get the hoverboard in Omini X. It is incredibly useful even outside of the raid, so get it as soon as you can!

Omini X player using the hoverboard inside the raid arena

Are There Rewards?

Unfortunately, as far as we know, the DNA Aliens raid only gives you levels and a few thousand in-game currency as a reward. Because of this, don’t expect any valuable tangible drops from beating this challenge.

With that said, it is a relatively easy instance to beat, especially if you choose to cheese it with the two aforementioned methods. This makes it a great way to grind levels quickly if you still need to do so.

And those are all of the tips we can give you when it comes to beating this raid that was recently added to the game. While you’re here, if you’re still building up from the start, consider checking out our guide on how to complete the Drones raid in Omini X as well!


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