With the new Gwent: Black Sun comes a new mechanic for the Northern Realms Deck, making this boost-heavy deck even better with Grace! This guide will show you the neat things the Northern Realms Deck can do with this new mechanic.
Northern Realms Deck Guide For Gwent: Black Sun Expansion
Again, one of the best changes in the Black Sun Expansion is the Grace mechanic. You’ve probably seen it already in different cards and abilities.
How To Trigger Grace
Grace is triggered when a unit’s power is equal to or higher than the specified number. For example, the card above has a power of 7, and you need 12 to trigger the Grace. Remember, when you place a card on a row and its power is already equal to or higher than the grace, the grace can activate immediately.
The Northern Realms Deck
The Northern Realms deck has always been a boost-centric deck. With the new Grace mechanic, it makes it even more powerful. The card above, Reynard Odo, is a good example of this. Best played at the start, Reynard boosts any unit you play by 1, if you trigger his grace, the boosts increase by another 1 point!
Another great card is The Maiden’s shield, its grace ability spawns Bronwen the Bold, another card. The thing is, Bronwen the bold also has a grace ability at 5. Which can easily be done by the Maiden’s Shield’s own Grace ability at 14, which boosts Bronwen to 5, further boosting other units. Now you can see the true power of the deck, when done right it can boost for days! And remember, Royal Inspiration triggers with each Grace trigger, so you can add that boost as well!
There are a lot, and I mean A LOT of cards in this deck that can boost your units. The Temerian Drummer can boost a unit each turn. The Mad Charge card can give a unit a whopping boost of 4 and even adds armor!
Although one that many people seem to gloss over is the Griffin Witcher Ranger. Not only is it cool to have a Witcher in your deck but this is a great card to deliver the final blow to your enemy. It boosts itself for every enemy on a row AND it can transfer all that boost onto an allied unit. A great card for the late game.
The Northern Realm Deck got better with the new expansion. You can easily snowball with how many boosts you can stack on your units. Now use this knowledge and win those card games!
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