A Universal Time has just released its Halloween update, and the patch notes are pretty chunky. In this guide, we will be showing you all of the important bits that are included in Update 3.9, which features the limited Halloween event. We will also point you towards the right direction in order to start working towards getting some exclusive rewards!
Complete Halloween 2024 Update Guide & Everything You Need to Know
The most obvious change that came with this update is the complete overhaul of the starting zone, which now has a dark and eerie atmosphere that fits right into the Halloween theme. Take your time and check every corner to see the little details scattered around!
In addition to that, the Shinigami has been added to the game once more. This spec is only available for a limited time, and it will require a bit of grinding to get. We have a more in-depth guide on how to get Shinigami, but here is a quick summary of the steps:
- Step #1. Talk to the Distinguished Wolf NPC near the center of the starting area.
- Step #2. Complete his series of quests until you receive the Inhumane Spirit item.
- Step #3. Get the Cursed Apple item as a drop from the Hollow boss. This might not be guaranteed, so prepare to fight it multiple times.
- Step #4. Head to the crafter NPC and you should now be able to make your very own Shinigami spec.
Once that is all done, you are now free to experiment with this limited character. There are more bits of new content to cover, so let us proceed to the next part!

The Halloween Event
Throughout the event period, which does not have a set schedule as far as I can tell, there is a special currency to collect. Before that, though, we need to know where to go to start farming it.
At the center of the starting zone, where all the important NPCs can be found, there will be a new character called Bawxstar there. Speak with him and ask to be teleported to the Cathedral, which is a new location added with this update.
There, you will find all sorts of unique mob camps related to the event’s theme. These creatures can potentially drop different colors of candy at varying rates. The limited Hollow boss can be found here too, and it can drop a purple candy at a relatively low rate.
The candy can be exchanged at the Sigma of Halloween NPC, who is standing directly behind the person who brings you to the cathedral. Exchanging them will get you special currency that you can use to buy loot crates that contain exclusive Halloween rewards.
Each drop in the loot crates have balanced drop rates, so you will always have an equal chance of getting literally any of the possible rewards. Just take note that this will take a lot of grinding, as crates cost 3,000 event currency each.

Other Miscellaneous Changes
The update also came with a lot of fixes for the game modes, both PVP and PVE. There are way too many changes to list here, but they have basically tweaked them to be more worth participating in.
Not only have rewards been buffed, but players should now have a slightly easier time clearing stuff like the Boundless Tower. There is also a new mechanic coded into the game known as “Shielding”, though it is still a work in progress and not fully implemented yet.
Finally, a lot of balance changes were made across the board to make certain fighting styles more appealing or prevent a handful of them from continuing to dominate the meta.
Those are all of the important changes you need to know with the latest update. Again, I can’t seem to find a time limit for the event, so take your time while trying to unlock all the Halloween content, but don’t be too slow that the next update rolls out before you get what you want!