Arsonist Class in Dead Rails Roblox

Dead Rails Roblox – How to Get A LOT of Bonds SOLO Using the Arsonist Class

Flame on! Oops. Wrong game.

Aaron Rabaya
7 Min Read

Having to go through many enemies in Dead Rails to loot for bonds can be such a chore. The good news is, there’s a spicy new tactic you can use. This not only makes you loot faster but is also stylish as well! Here is a quick guide to learning how to get a lot of bonds solo using the Arsonist class in Dead Rails (Roblox)!

How to Get Bonds Solo as an Arsonist

General Overview

When choosing the Arsonist class, this lets the player deal double damage when inflicting flames upon enemies.

Additionally, they also start out with these items in their inventory:

  • Shovel x1
  • Molotov x4

Things to Consider

Following this strategy will require two key factors to pull this off. A gun and a horse. Well, there’s also Molotovs but you get the point. 

  1. Horse

You will need a horse as they are an essential component of the strategy used in this guide. They make raiding towns much faster and give the player more freedom in movement. There are two ways to obtain a horse:

You could purchase a saddle from the General Store. With this in your inventory, you will use it to capture a horse out in the wild. A bit tricky, but doable. 

The other method is to look for bandits. These bandits are usually seen riding on one. All you have to do is steal them. When you kill a bandit, be careful not to damage the horse in the process.

  1. Gun

This will serve as your number-one ranged damage dealer. It is very important that you find a good gun, specifically a rifle, for this method. The following are ways to obtain a gun:

Passing by a safe area. This is the location you will pass through every 10,000 meters. It features a bunch of buildings like the Furniture Store, Sheriff’s Office, and most importantly, the Gunsmith. When you have enough gold, you can purchase a firearm from the Gunsmith. Easy and reliable. 

Finding loot in abandoned houses. Not only can you find items like gold, but you are able to stumble upon weapons as well. If you find one, it’s free to keep and you are able to save your currency. The only downside to this method is its unreliability. Not every location may spawn a firearm and you might just get unlucky every time.

Clearing out bandit settlements. This is the most high-risk, high-reward method due to the possibility of dying from said bandits. At the same time, not only will you find guns, but other high-value loot as well if you are successful. Try sticking to the first two unless you have a capable weapon to take them out.

All set, partner? If you got everything I previously mentioned, then it’s time to strap on your anti-flammable boots. We’re gonna raid some towns!


When entering a town, your main goal is to get the attention of the mobs. These can be werewolves and vampires, but mostly just zombies. The trick is to pass through their general direction or deal a little bit of damage. This will get them to start chasing. Ideally, you want a lot coming after you as the more you reel in, the faster you’ll clear out these enemies.

Grabbing the Attention of Mobs in Dead Rails Roblox - How to Get A LOT of Bonds SOLO Using the Arsonist Class

Use the horse to maneuver your way around them. Do your best to make them go after you in a general direction like this: 

Reeling Mobs in Dead Rails Roblox - How to Get A LOT of Bonds SOLO Using the Arsonist Class

Bring out your Molotovs and throw them just right in front of you—making them walk towards the flames. Because of your fire damage as an Arsonist, this will instantly deplete most of their health. If they manage to survive your Molotov, use your gun to get rid of the remaining enemies.

Molotov in Dead Rails Roblox

Once the dust settles, you’re clear to loot! Grab as many Bonds, Gold, and other resources as you can find within the town. If you are planning to level up your raiding experience, we have a guide on how to easily clear the Fort in Dead Rails that you should read!

Different Loot in Dead Rails Roblox

Additional Tips

Avoid using your Molotovs on mobs outside of towns or smaller buildings. You can deal with them by using your weapons or simply not confronting them at all. It is recommended to use them in larger groups to take advantage of the damage bonus from the Arsonist class. 

Even with insane damage from your flames, make sure you are not caught out in the open at night. This is the time when stronger mobs like werewolves and vampires appear. It is better to wait the night out and only engage when necessary. 

Do not forget to stock up on fuel! Always keep in mind that your life depends on your train, no matter what class you choose. If you do not have coal, you can use other items like newspapers, junk, or the bodies of dead mobs.

While there are other methods available to different classes, this is by far my favorite. You get to mow down hordes of zombies in a blaze of glory. Talk about being badass! If you enjoyed this guide on how to get a lot of bonds solo using the Arsonist class in Dead Rails (Roblox), then you’re a real one. I can’t wait to see more people try this out in-game.

Like fast trains? We also have a method of fast farming bonds using the conductor class! Do be sure to check it out. Alternatively, you can also check out our Priest class bonds farming guide.

Aaron is an up and coming writer who adores coop-based videogames. He enjoys the thrill of teamwork while sharing a laugh with his friends. He is also a fan of playing older titles like Fallout or the Batman Arkham series, but never refuses to try out new games. Especially games where he could hop on with others. To him, the best experience is an experience shared with others.
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