Potions are something that gamers all know too much about, and some people tend to hoard them without even using them for the entire game. Potions come in different sizes, colors and effects in each game and we all know the standard red HP potion or Blue Mana potion that we chug a lot. There are some games that feature alchemy or some way to create your own potions, like Skyrim and Thymesia. In this Potions, Recipes & Ingredients guide, we’ll show you how Potion crafting works in Thymesia and the different recipes you can do.
Everything You Need To Know For Potions, Recipes & Ingredients Guide In Thymesia
In Thymesia there are a lot of potions in the game that you can make that will give you some buffs to help you in your fights. These buffs can range from a number of things to increasing your maximum health to decreasing the damage dealt to you. The recipes for these potions aren’t given to you at the start and it’s up to the player to find out where these recipes are. Sometimes these recipes are incomplete and the player has to guess on what the rest of the ingredients are.

All Potion Recipes
Potion crafting in Thymesia requires 3 ingredients, there are only a handful of potions in the game but most of them are useful to have. Here are the recipes for the potions you can make:
Four Thieves’ Vinegar – Increases your maximum health by 100.
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Sage
Focus – Increases Memory Shard Drop Amount by 10%.
- Rosemary
- Thyme
- Mint
Pain Relief – Reduces Damage Intake by 10%.
- Rosemary
- Lavender
- Clove
Circulation – Recover 5 health per second.
- Oregano
- Fennel
- Clove
Courage – Gains a stack of “Defensive” buff.
- Mint
- Black Pepper
- Lavender
Warming Up – Increases damage by 10%
- Garlic
- Basil
- Black Pepper
Refreshing – Recover 3 energy every second
- Oregano
- Mint
- Fennel
Sweating – Gain 1 stack of “Offensive” buff.
- Mint
- Black Pepper
- Cinnamon
Those are all the potions you can make in the game. The ingredients can be harvested throughout the game in specific places or can even be looted from enemies. So, keep an eye out for them.
Congratulations you now know how to do Potion crafting in Thymesia, now go out there and make the strongest potions! Many thanks to Doms Roundtable for showing all the recipes for everyone, if you want more information on the subject check their video out here: Everything You Need To Know | Thymesia Potions, Recipes and Ingredients Guide – YouTube
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