At one point in Genshin Impact you’ll find yourself doing the quest that involves the Varuna Gatha that you can find in the Forest Adventure Journal. When you press the go button on the lower right it’ll give you a message. The message reads: “The Nursery in the “Real” Vanarana has come to full ripeness. Perhaps a certain someone would like to come have a look?” That certain someone is an NPC that you’ll need to look for and in this guide, we’ll show you how this part of the quest plays out in Genshin Impact.
The Nursery In Real Vanarana Has Come To Full Ripeness In Genshin Impact
The person that the journal is referring to is an NPC called “Varsha” and after a certain point you’ll need to find her to progress the quest. The Journal is a bit vague on who she is and where she is when you press the “Go” button so you’ll have to actually find her. Not to worry since we have a guide right here: Genshin Impact: Varsha Location article.

Once you found Varsha you’ll get a cutscene with her talking about the field of flowers. She doesn’t believe you first but she’ll agree to go and see for herself.

All you need to do now is to go to the Vanarana garden, don’t worry she’ll be there when you get there, and a cutscene will play. Afterwards that part of the journal will be complete!
Congratulations you now know what to do when the journal says “The Nursery in the “Real” Vanarana has come to full ripeness. Perhaps a certain someone would like to come have a look?” Now go out there and try it yourself. Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how this quest works, if you need more information on the subject then check out their video right here: The nursery in real Vanarana has come to full ripeness Genshin Impact – YouTube
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