Sweet Temptation is a quest that will bring you the Mystery Scroll item at the end once you finish it. In this guide, we will be showing you how to start this quest, how to pass all 9 clues inside of it, and then how to finish them all. Let’s get started.
All for Naught | Sweet Temptation Guide | Mystery Scroll Quest Walkthrough – MIR4
How To Start Sweet Temptation Quest
First of all, you will need to unlock this quest. To do this you will look for Gudo the potion merchant. He will be located in the Phantasia Dessert. You can simply teleport to him and you will find him in the middle of the plaza. Talk to him to start the quest.
First, he will send you to a location where you will need to kill a couple of big NPCs. Then you will go back to him and you’ll need to do a victory triumph emote.

After doing this you will be sent to Cheonwoo the fisherman. You can teleport next to him and do the victory triumph in front of him as well. You will need to interact with him to complete this quest.
After you’re done talking to the fisherman you will go back to Godu again. And congratulations! You will start off the quest.
The Sweet Temptation Quest
You will have to complete a total of 9 clues in order to finish this quest. You will get your first one right after you begin the quest.

You will need to read the description of these clues and then proceed to find the required location and NPC to talk to. Once you get them all correct you will finish the quest.
First Clue
You will need to go to the NPC Yanggol. He is the prime minister and is right next to the Gogu potion merchant place. You can see him right next to you.

Second Clue
You will need to go to the same exact NPC or the Yanggol prime minister. Talk to him and you will discover that he will need a total of 20 Alluvial Gold. You could have gathered this item when you went for the start of the quest in the Phantasia Desert when fighting with the mini-bosses.
Third Clue

This is where you will need to go. Just teleport to the Tyrant Ma Hyelseong and then proceed to wipe out all the enemies that will be inside of here. This way you will gather the required items for completing the Clue. This is the Rockcut Tomb.
Fourth Clue
Simply talk to Yangoll once again to get some appreciation. Just interacting with him will finish this clue.
Fifth Clue

You will come here this time in the Rockcut Tomb. Kill all the NPCs that you will see and you will achieve this clue as well.
Sixth Clue
Talking to Yangoll once again will be enough for finishing this clue. You will go over a lot of dialogue.
Seventh Clue
You will need to find the NPC by the name of Osher to see if you can climb on top of the big boulder.

Once you find Osher you will need to simply climb up on top of this big boulder here. You don’t need to fly up, just keep on jumping till you get there.
Eighth Clue

You will need to go to the Viperbeast Domain. Well, actually you will get teleported here. Don’t believe anything that the NPCs will tell you! They are all illusions. You will need to fight Osher too.
Ninth Clue

You will get a chest where Osher was standing before on top of the boulder.
That is how you obtain the Mystery Scroll and complete the Sweet Temptation quest! Congratulations! We hope that this guide was helpful and aided you in this endeavor. A big thank you to Beard Energy Gaming. You can check him out here.
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