
Overwatch 2 Review

A Very Expensive Free 2 Play!

Overwatch 2 Review

DISCLOSURE: This game was reviewed on the following platform: PC – Check out our Review Policy page for more information.

Even since the early days of Overwatch 1, there were speculations about the development of Overwatch 2. To say that the development process of this game was difficult and filled with problems would be an understatement.

With that difficult beginning process, let’s see how the game turned out to be today and if you should be playing it or not.

Review – Overwatch 2

To make this review easier and to understand, we will divide Overwatch 2 into Pros and Cons sections.


Although a lot of people are simply slamming this game, there are still new things that are a welcome addition and we have to include them.

Game Modes

Matches are now 5v5 instead of 6v6, which makes the action feel more spread out, dynamic, and varied. There is a lot of fluid interaction between defenders in the backline and attackers who are quick to shoot.

Because each squad has one less tank, everyone has to work harder and move more. So far, It is hard to see as many matches that turn into standstill brawls with opposing phalanxes getting lost in a confusing mess of explosions, shields, and stuns.

There is also a new way to play. In Push, two teams compete to take control of a droid that moves a colored barrier across the map. Think of it as a game of pull-of-proxy. It’s very fast and crazy, with teams breaking up into random defensive and offensive groups as the action moves around the field.

When players are well-matched, the last few seconds can be very tense and you really need to give it your all.

New Characters

All of the new characters are interesting. They add a little something extra with their new styles of gameplay that were much needed in Overwatch 1.

  • Sojourn – feels like she was taken from Warzone or Apex Legends, with her automatic weapon and fast slide move.
  • Junker Queen – on the other hand, is a close-range behemoth with a shotgun and a throwing knife that pulls enemies toward her, which is a very satisfying move when you get it right.
  • Kiriko –  is the main character. She is a support character with anime elements who can climb walls, teleport, and call up a fox spirit that makes the whole team move faster. She’s a great choice for people who like to patrol the edges of the battle zone, zipping in to save allies or kill enemies with critical hits.

Old Characters Re-Worked

All of the main characters have been tweaked, made stronger, and made weaker in different ways to add tactical variety. Many people thought that the original game relied too much on characters with shields that would soak up damage like big muscle sponges.

So, Brigitte’s shield no longer stuns enemies, and Orisa’s has been completely reworked into a new set of moves that includes a useful javelin that can be thrown at enemies to knock them off their feet.

Support characters now heal themselves automatically, which makes them more fun to use, and Bastion, a favorite of new players, doesn’t turn into a stationary turret anymore; instead, he calls in an artillery strike.

There are plenty of other small tweaks here and there that overall make these remixes really interesting and give new life to old playstyles and bring a new and much-needed balance.


As you might have seen in other reviews, Overwatch 2 is mainly being heavily criticized, and for very good reasons too. Let’s go over some of the bigger ones.


Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. What is Blizzard thinking when they are adding these crazy amounts of options to buy in-game? It is a free-to-play game, but it is damn right offensive on how expensive it feels once you enter.

Lots of things that you will want to unlock will be outright very distant for a free-to-play player. You will need to waste countless upon countless of hours trying to reach them. Whereas if you decide to help yourself with shortening this process, you will have to pay a wealthy amount of cash.

You even have to unlock your favorite characters to play them right now! Even a simple emote can cost you up to 5 bucks.

Is it Really a Sequel?

Overwatch 2 feels as though it is an update of Overwatch 1. They have well commercialized this game beyond the limit to make it seem as though the story has progressed somewhere and evolved into a much bigger thing, than what it really is.

It is a very smart way of a cash grab that Blizzard has done and we can certainly say that this doesn’t feel as if it is a sequel to the original game, not even in the slightest sense.


Let’s just say, that there have been heroes that you can play in Overwatch 2 that have been completely disabled just because of how buggy they and their abilities are. Other than that, there are tons of things that you are able to exploit.

You will get clipped through some walls, sometimes explosions won’t do any damage or even your skills will not be activated while starting with the CD as if you activated them. There are many to go through.

Unexpected Server Error Occurred

You are playing and finally getting a very good team and possibly even managed to push all the way to the front. Then out of nowhere, this little thing appears on your screen.

You will want to rip your hair out or throw your monitor through the window. This is something that is very common and happens a lot in Overwatch 2 right now. The devs haven’t said anything about it, but it is one of the biggest issues in the game.

Not only that it will crash your game and make you unable to play, but you will be stuck in the long waiting queue for ages!

Players have been saying that sometimes they have waited up to 3 hours just to join a game of Overwatch 2, and then just to have it get the same error that they had in the first place. If this isn’t a game-breaking bug, I don’t know what is.

Merging from Overwatch 1 Doesn’t Work

A lot of players have been having issues when trying to merge their Overwatch 1 progress and system with the new game. They have been trying to raise their voice and for days now nothing has been done to deal with this problem.

If you are one of these players, we advise you to be patient and just keep sending emails to the devs.

Developers Don’t Care or Listen

As a fellow player of Overwatch myself, the biggest problem is that Blizzard simply doesn’t care or give any interest in what the players are saying right now. It is a moneygrabbing technique that works in the short period, but long term, it will hurt the overall Overwatch feel.

They even wanted to implement a mobile system for protecting from cheaters. The only thing that they listen to the community is to remove this system entirely. But other than that, nothing has been changed or most likely will be changed in the future.

It is not confirmed, but the community has been complaining that Blizzard has been deleting their comments and reviews about the game online.

Overall & Rating

Overwatch 2 Review

David Mickov

New Content
Improvements Over Predecessor


It has room to improve for the future, but until that time comes and Blizzard manages to somehow shock us all with their plans, the rating of Overwatch 2 is a 3 out of 5.


Yes, the Cons outweigh the Pros and mostly the money that you need to pay for this game is what makes it a truly difficult experience to rate it as high as possible. But if you do manage to look past it, it still doesn’t feel like a new experience or an upgraded version from the past game.

What people are saying that it feels like an update more than a new game, is really true.

We hope that this review of Overwatch 2 has managed to give you the biggest and most obvious things that explain it thoroughly. As of right now, it seems like an obvious cash grab. But other than that, it still gives an enjoyable gaming experience that can sometimes be filled with very frustrating bugs, crashes, and expensive to unlock things.

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