
How To Find A Way To Activate The Mechanism In Powers Club In Gotham Knights

Activate the Mechanism!

How To Find A Way To Activate The Mechanism In Powers Club In Gotham Knights

To progress the story in Gotham Knights, players must complete various challenging puzzles. While some of the puzzles are easy to solve, other puzzles require more thinking to solve. One of the challenges is in the Powers Club, and if you don’t know how to follow the wires, you might run around in circles. So, stick with our guide, and we will show you how to Activate the Mechanism in Powers Club.

Gotham Knights  – How To Find A Way To Activate The Mechanism In Powers Club

After you arrive at the Powers Club, you will defeat the guards first. Then, you will be given an objective that scans the area. The first of these wires is located in a book. In order to find the book, you will need first to interact with the head.

After interacting with the head, go back to the library near the stairs, and you will find the book there. Interact with the book and move away. Once you’ve done that, head back to where the book is located and flip the switch.

After doing that, the puzzle will be solved. That is all you need to know about Activating the Mechanism in Powers Club. Follow our guide and solve the puzzle quickly.

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