New World didn’t have the best launch in MMO history, far from it, but it did work its way up to be a good one. With constant patching, balance changes and new content, the once ridiculed MMO by Amazon Games has now become a great game to play. With the new fresh start servers that came with a new starting level experience, XP changes and so on, a new wave of players came back to New World to experience the now new life it gave to itself. In this guide we’ll show you where the Susanna Alligator is in the game.
Susanna Alligator Spawn Location | Quest Guide In New World
New World enemy spawns can be a bit finicky, specially for ones that is tied to quests. There’s the old time MMO experience of standing there waiting for the enemy to respawn so you can kill it for a quest. This is the same experience for this quest in particular. So to find the Susanna Alligator in the game you’ll need to first fast travel to the Noblereach Shrine and go inside the caves to the east, you should already be there for the quest since it has a quest marker.

The alligator is usually on the very back on top of the wooden platforms. If you don’t see an alligator there then that means it’s dead and you’ll have to wait for it to respawn. If there’s random players standing at a certain spot then that’s probably where it’ll spawn and where you need to go.

The moment it spawns hit it with everything you’ve got, specially if there’s players around that’s doing the same quest or else you’ll miss the opportunity and you’ll have to wait for the respawn again.
Congratulations you now know where to find this spawn point for an enemy in New World, now go out there and hopefully not a lot of people are doing the same quest! Many thanks to SteppyRecKs for showing everyone where this spawn is, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: New World Susanna Alligator Spawn Location | Quest Guide – YouTube
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