The Boilerworks requires to choose Gooigi and Luigi. The level requires you to get good at navigating the water because one pop and you will be instant death. A lot of players having trouble passing the sharks on the B2 floor. Luckily, we are here to show you how to get past them in Luigi’s Mansion 3.
How To Get Past The Sharks In The B2 Floor – Luigi’s Mansion 3
Wait For The Sharks To Come Closer

To get pass the Sharks, you will stay back and wait for them to come. Once they are coming closer, you will switch to the left side and pass them in the last second.
Activate The Mine

Once you pass through the creatures and the gate, they will still follow you. So, you need to kill them before they come to you. After they pass the gate, wait for a few seconds to come closer to you. And then you will activate the mine and run away. The mine will kill the sharks, and you pass them.
So, that is how you can pass through the sharks on the B2 Floor in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Now that you know how to pass them, head back in the game and try to go through the creatures in your first attempt.