The new Dragonflight expansion just released for World of Warcraft and many players are enjoying the new additions and many more are going back to the game. We’ve seen big streamers like Asmongold going back to their main streaming channels just to play the new Expansion and many players say that this is probably the best Expansion Blizzard has made in a very long time. The expansion adds a new area to explore, new stories and quests to do and more importantly the new dragon riding system. You can also customize your dragons and in this guide we’ll show you where you can do that by using the Rostrum of Transformation.
Rostrum of Transformation | WoW Dragonflight
Yes that’s right, you can customize your dragon, something a lot of players enjoy and try to unlock as many customizable parts as possible. Dragon riding and customization along with the new flight mechanics is one of the big addition the expansion is known for. You’re own personal Dragon has to stand out somehow so you can customize it using certain Rostrums of Transformation, and here’s where you can find it.

In the middle of the Wingrest Embassy and Ruby Life pools is a place where you can find a large tower. Next to it is a Rostrum of Transformation, you can find it by using the image above as reference.

Here you can customize your dragon, from the scales, horns, armor and even hair. Make sure to customize your dragon to your liking so that you can stand out!
Congratulations you now know where to find this thing in World of Warcraft, now go out there and try to do it yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone where to find this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: Rostrum of Transformation WoW – YouTube
ALSO READ: Dragonflight: Hidden Hornswog Hoard | WoW