Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion: Chapter 2 All Collectibles & Trophies Guide

Elijah Hernandez
5 Min Read

Find all Chapter 2 collectibles and trophies by using this guide.

Final Fantasy is arguably Squre’s most popular franchise that they have right now. While Square has some fantastic IP’s in their pockets, they always rely on Final Fantasy to remind people that yes, they can make good games (when they want to, at least). With Final Fantasy XVI and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth coming soon, we have a lot to look forward to in Square’s future. But for now, let’s focus on Square’s latest release, Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion, as well as the many additions they added to the game, like collectibles and trophies.

Chapter 2 All Collectibles & Trophies Guide – Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

Trophy: Master Mako Stone Miner

When you start Chapter 2, there will be an NPC in the Materia Room that you have to talk to in order to unlock the 8-2: Mako Stones missions. You will have to complete all 6 missions in order to get 6 Mako Stones for the NPC, which you then show to him and get the trophy.

Collectibles: Keepers of Honor Fan Club and Keeper of Honor Mail

Near the fountain area outside of Shinra HQ, you will find three NPC’s that are fans of Angeal, Sephiroth, and Genesis. To get the Keepers of Honor Fan Club and Mail, you will need to talk to the Angeal Fan and join in.

Collectibles: Red Leather Fan Club and Mail

You can also join the Red Leather Fan Club and Mail by talking to the Genesis Fan next to the Angeal Fan.

Collectibles: Loveless Fan Club and Study Group Mail

In Loveless Avenue, you can find another Genesis Fan that belongs to another Fan Club called Loveless. Talk to her and you can join in the Fan Club, as well as the Study Group Mail.

Collectible: Flower Wagon Part

There is a Shinra Soldier in Loveless Avenue that you can talk to that will give you the mission group M1-2. Completing all 6 missions will reward you with the Flower Wagon Part, which you don’t get to use until later.

Trophy: Banora Treasures (Part 1)

This trophy is split into two parts, because you cannot find all of the required items until you progress through the mission. However, if you progress the mission without finding all of the golden items on the ground, then you can miss this trophy. Starting off with the first one, which you can find here.

There’s another golden item on the ground next to the well.

The third golden item can be found here, next to a stack of logs.

The fourth golden item can be found further up the path that leads to the factory.

The last golden item can be found overlooking the factory.

Trophy: Slicin’ Soldier

After the cutscene in the factory, you will have to make your way back to the town. Along the way, you will have to do a little mini game where you have to cut down shells that are coming towards you. In order to get this trophy, you need to hit all 10 shells without missing. If you do miss, just reload the last autosave.

Trophy: Banora Treasure (Part 2)

Moving on to the second part of Banora Treasure, you now have to pick them all up while having a timer to worry about. It is completely doable in under a minute if you remember where they were. If you don’t, then check out the first part of Banora Treasures in this guide to see where they are.

ALSO READ: Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion: Chapter 1 All Collectibles & Trophies Guide

Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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