
How Square Enix Changed Everything With Crisis Core FF7 Reunion

A fantastic Remake that is worth checking out!

Whether you are a fan of the original PSP Crisis Core, or maybe just a fan of the Final Fantasy 7 game, you should be getting this remaster and checking it out. There are many reasons behind that and frankly, we can say that it is one of the best remasters out there. In this article, we shall discuss how Square Enix changed everything with this new Reunion. Let’s get started.

How Square Enix Changed Everything With Crisis Core FF7 Reunion

First and foremost, this game does have its issues that gamers really aren’t all that happy about. But on the other side, there are some insanely well-designed and created upgrades. The first thing that you will notice about it is the visuals and graphics.

Source – BltzZ

You will be shocked just how good this remake looks if have just played the original. If you start out the game and then look back at how the original used to look like, you can really notice the difference.

Shot by shot and frame by frame this game is built on the same code as the PSP version which means that you will notice some of the animations that are outdated, but by using the Unreal Engine 4 somehow the devs were able to improve the graphics so much that even the animations look and feel different.

The combat has been reworked and made a whole lot better and this is a personal favorite of many players out there. It isn’t like Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but it is much better than the original in almost every aspect. That clunky and stiff feeling that you might remember has been completely reworked.

Source – BltzZ

There are a lot of qualityoflife changes that will help out with the overall side quests and grinds that you might need to do. Also, the animations and fighting stances are very well designed giving you a different feel with each fight choice you might want to make thanks to the Materia Fusion that this game has.

The DMW is still an addition to this game too, which for some people is something that they despise. In the original PSP version, it was more of a nuisance than of help, but in the remake, it feels as though this has its meaning and the devs fine-tuned it to where it actually is useful and helps out in combat.

Source – BltzZ

The cutscenes are simply fantastic and the beauty of it is that you can finally skip them. That was so much of a problem in the original that we are very thankful for this option. Also, you are able to use the Limit Break whenever you want this time around. Isn’t that a dream come true?!

The game is fully voiced and all of the cutscenes and NPCs have their own unique voice. This is an outstanding addition to the game, but there is a slight problem. It is voiced and dubbed in English and sometimes it does feel very awkward and clunky with pauses or something just not right. The dialogue isn’t updated to today’s standards and this is the weak point of the game.

If you are on the fence about whether it might ruin your nostalgic experience, don’t even think about it. Just give this remake a try and you’ll definitely love it.

We hope that this article has helped you out on understanding the changes with the FF7 Crisis Core Reunion. A big thank you to BltzZ for all his helpful info and details.

ALSO READ: Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion – How To Get Cactuar Summon DMW


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