
How To Build Battleships – Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts

The biggest ships on the sea!

There’s a new game in Steam that just got out of early access and is now fully released and it’s Ultimate Admiral Dreadnaughts. A game where you can design your own ships and fight other ships made by AI or by yourself.

From the different main guns and secondary guns on the ship to the number of funnels you can place, it’s all very customizable. You can even do a whole campaign that can span from the first to the second world war.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to design a battleship.

Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts: How To Build Battleships

Everyone knows what a battleship is! If you take a random person off the streets and ask them to name one ship type they’ll probably say battleship.

They’re huge, well-armored, and have the biggest guns. They’re the symbol of might and power for any navy, well until the Aircraft Carriers came in.

Still, battleships were a big part of naval history and development so let’s get started with making our own.

  1. To start off you’ll need to pick a battleship hull, these are the hulls that have the “BB” on the upper right denoting “Battleship”. Don’t ask why they’re called “BB” there’s no special meaning to it. You can either go for the standard hulls or the Superheavy Battleship hulls which are both huge and expensive.
  1. Then you need to pick a main and secondary tower as well as the funnels, make sure you have good engine efficiency when picking the funnels.
  1. Then we go for the weapons. The Battleship can have the biggest weapons in the game and they can hurt, but the bigger the weapon is, the slower they reload even with the best reload technology. They can also be difficult to aim without the proper range-finding technology to back it up.

If you don’t want those problems then go for smaller calibers.

  1. Armor is the main shtick of the battleship. Equipping this will protect the ship from all calibers but at the cost of weight and price. Make sure you do armor up your battleship though, it’ll be embarrassing if little destroyers can penetrate your armor.

Tips in Design

  • Practice restraint: You can make the biggest and baddest battleship out there but it won’t be effective if you don’t even have the money to make it.
  • Don’t worry about the speed, we’re making a battleship, not a battle cruiser.
  • Battleships are susceptible to torpedo attacks from destroyers, light cruisers and even heavy cruisers so make sure to get torpedo defenses.
  • Check the stats of your big guns as a reference on how much armor you’ll want to put on your ship.
  • Don’t forget to add secondary guns for shooting at much more nimble targets like destroyers and light cruisers.
  • Remember to get good range finders and towers, your big guns are no use if they miss all their shots.
  • No amount of armor can save you from fires.

The age of battleships ended with the advent of Aircraft Carriers, good thing they’re not in the game!

Remember that you can’t just have an entire ship of battleships despite how awesome they are! You need escorts to protect you from other ships so that your big ship can go focus on firing at the other big ships!

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