If you wanted to play around with a certain type of Chinese Chomping Cabbage that will attack enemies on sight after you throw it from your inventory slot, you are in the right place.
In this guide, we shall show you how to complete the quest that will have you attacking a Dummy with a magical Cabbage. Let’s get started.
Attack the Dummy With a Chomping Cabbage – Hogwarts Legacy

The first thing that you should know about fighting with the Dummy for this quest, is that you shall need to pick up the Chomping Cabbage first.
To do so, simply aim at one and then pick it up. Once you have it, you will need to open up your inventory wheel.

You will look for it in the wheel and then select it and equip it. Once you have it selected you just need to press the L1 key in front of the dummy.
That will get the cabbage released and it will start attacking away at the dummy.

After a couple of hits, the dummy will go down and you shall complete the quest. Congratulations!
We hope that this guide has helped you out on what you need to do in order to finish up the Dummy Attacking Chomping Cabbage quest. Have fun doing it yourself!
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