If you’re on a mission to collect all of the Treasure Pods inside the Starlight Strand map area in Slime Rancher 2, you are in the right place to be!
In this guide, we shall show you each individual Pod and what is the best course of action for you to get there. Let’s get started and give you simple instructions.
Slime Rancher 2 – All 28 Starlight Strand Treasure Pods

These here are all of the locations on the map where you are able to find the Treasure Pods in Starlight Strand.
Now we shall guide you into each individual place and how to get there.
Treasure Pod 1

You shall need to use your jetpack to fly on the right stone boulders, and then proceed to climb to where the arrows are pointing.
Treasure Pod 2

You shall need to get to the location on the map and then proceed to just go around that big Lion-King-looking type of rock.
Treasure Pod 3

Just follow the main road that will lead you to the top of this hill, and then use your jetpack to jump down from the right side. You can see the pod under the hill.
Treasure Pod 4

Just get to the shore and use your jetpack to fly to that hidden little platform shown in the picture above.
Treasure Pod 5

You will need to use the pink flowers and actually jump on them to get to the top of the flowers here.
Then just use your jetpack and use it to fly yourself to the square highlighted place in the picture above. It will take some flying to get there.
Treasure Pod 6

Fly yourself on top of this stone hill and then on the left is where the pod will be waiting for you.
Treasure Pod 7

You shall come to the location marked on the map, and then burst the Gorgo that will be covering the entrance of the cave. Inside is where the pod will be.
Treasure Pod 8

Inside this very same cave is where you can find the other pod.
You just need to use the jetpack to climb on top of the stair platforms.
Treasure Pod 9

You need to come to the entrance of the cave and shoot a Rock Plort inside the statue.
Then just enter the door that will open and at the end of the tunnel you’ll find the pod.
Treasure Pod 10

You will need to climb on top of the trees on the right first. Then just use the jetpack and fly yourself on top of the platform with the arrows pointing at it.
Treasure Pod 11

Just follow the roots that are overgrown on the hills of this mountain. Use your jetpack to fly over them and you’ll find the pod just on the other side.
Treasure Pod 12

Just under this large tree that you can find in the area.
Treasure Pod 13

Enter the entrance and hole in the ground just next to the previous pod location.
Now just slowly fly down and on the right side you can find the pod.
Treasure Pod 14

Fly on over through the water gap by using the jetpack and enter the hole shown in the picture above.
Treasure Pod 15

You shall come across some platforms with a lot of bushes on them on your right side.
Just use the jetpack and climb on top of them until you reach the very top with a lake on it.
Treasure Pod 16

Jump down at the end of the map area and proceed to follow the shore alongside the mountain wall.

At the end of this shore road, you will find a cave with a pod inside of it.
Treasure Pod 17

You will come across a very big stone hill with a stone tower on top of it. Use your jetpack to reach the very peak of this tower and the pod will be there.
Treasure Pod 18

You need to fly behind that smiley stone face at the wall. Enter the hole in the ground and the pod will be inside of it.
Treasure Pod 19

Just fly alongside the mountain wall and go on top of the stone boulder stairs.
Treasure Pod 20

You shall need to feed the Gorgo with Moondrew Nectar until he explodes. Then enter the hole that will emerge under him and you can find the road inside the cave.
Treasure Pod 21

Climb on top of the mountain walls and use the jetpack to locate a small opening inside of it. Here you need to place Flutter Plort inside the statue’s mouth.
Once the door opens up, get inside it and you’ll see the pod.
Treasure Pod 22

Just on the side of the road on top of a little stone wall.
Treasure Pod 23

You are going to need to shoot a Rock Plort inside this statue and enter the door that will open up underneath it.

Now just get on top of the central stone pillar by using your jetpack.
Treasure Pod 24

When you get to the very edge of the map you will see a blue bush hanging over a little opening in the wall. Use the jetpack to get inside this opening and find the pod.
Treasure Pod 25

You shall come across a statue with an open mouth.
Shoot a Hunter Plort inside of it and you need to enter the cave behind the door to find the pod. It will be at the very end of the tunnel.
Treasure Pod 26

You need to find this water going up first which will be under the mountain walls. Get on top of it and lift yourself up on the walls themselves.

Then just use your jetpack to fly yourself next to the blue tree where the pod will be located.
Treasure Pod 27

For this one, you must shoot 3 Hunter Plots inside 3 Statues.
As you pass through this entrance to get to the map location, go to the right first and find 1 statue. Then go to the left and find 2 statues. They will be on the wall itself so use your jetpack.

Then the little door under the wall will open and you can enter it to the find pod.
Treasure Pod 28

At the end of the map just follow the road presented above and you’ll find the pod.
We hope that this guide has helped you out in finding each of the 28 Starlight Strand Treasure Pods. Have fun looking for them yourself!
A big thank you to TrophyTom for the helpful map information.
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