Aerial Punisher Melee Pit | Horizon Forbidden West

Stefany Hernandez
2 Min Read

Horizon Forbidden West continues Aloy’s story and the game offers new combos and attack patterns for players to use. One of the best ways to learn these attacks is by Melee Pits. This guide will show you how you can complete the Aerial Punisher challenge.

Aerial Punisher Challenge Melee Pit – Horizon Forbidden West

The Aerial Punisher Challenge is one of the challenges you will face in the Scalding Spear Melee Pit.

The Aerial Punisher move is one of the ways you can create an opening against an enemy, so learning it is essential in close combat.

After talking to the Melee Pit master, you will unlock the challenges.

Go to the challenges menu and select Aerial Punisher. To perform an Aerial Punisher, press R1 and R2 on your controller. You will need to trigger a resonator blast while you are in the air for this challenge.

NOTE: You have a time limit of 1:30 to complete the challenge.

Defeat the enemies and use the Aerial Punisher move to complete the challenge. Note that you need to trigger an Aerial Slash and Resonator Blast at the same time.

Once you are done with both the Warrior’s Wrath and Aerial Punisher challenge, you will unlock the Pit Master challenge.

ALSO READ: Warrior’s Wrath Melee Pit | Horizon Forbidden West

Stefany has always been inspired by the narrative design, creativity, and world-building of video games. She is an avid gamer and an indie game developer that loves creating content for gamers like herself.
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