All Lake of Nine Collectible Locations – God Of War Ragnarok

Elijah Hernandez
6 Min Read

Fimbulwinter is here, and it is the sign that Ragnarok is coming. With the harsh winters now in Midgard, it means that anything remotely liquid has become frozen, including the large Lake of Nine. The same lake that Kratos and Atreus used to navigate when on their journey in the 2018 God of War. Now frozen, Kratos must instead use a sled to move around. It also means new collectibles to be found, as the water is now gone and you can navigate the surface of the lake. Here are the collectibles you can find in the Lake of Nine.

God Of War Ragnarok – All Lake of Nine Collectible Locations

Bear in mind that some of these collectibles can only be found once you have advanced deeper into the game. Some collectibles can only be acquired after getting to Chapter 9, some after Chapter 10. It is better to complete the story before attempting to collect any collectibles, as it will save you time from having to go back to any location.

The first collectible is both for Lore and a Favor. It is a rune engraved on Tyr’s statue that you can find here.

You can spot it from afar due to its bright blue glow.

After examining the rune, turn around and head to this direction.

Use the Draupnir Spear to destroy the ice blocking the path and continue forward.

Head to the shiny glow at the end (ignore the tail that is popping out, it’s just the local wild life) and you will get the buried treasure. Take note that you need the Demise of Dagestr treasure map, which you can get from the Applecore.

Go back to the sled and head to this location.

You will find another ice shining with light. Use your spear again and destroy it. But be careful, as you will have to fight a Frost Phantom when it is destroyed. After defeating the Frost Phantom, you will then be able to get the Legendary Chest behind it.

The next collectible is another Lore. You can find the location near Tyr’s Temple.

At the location on the map, look for the ice with the glowing light. Use your spear to destroy it.

You should be able to see a dead body and a scroll. Pick it up and more Lore will be added.

The next collectible is one of Odin’s Ravens. This one can be found under Tyr’s Temple.

For a better shot, use the spear as it is straight forward. But any of the other weapons will do.

The next collectible is another one of Tyr’s remains of his statue. This time, it’s the spear.

You can see the spear from afar, as well as the glowing blue letters. Remember that this counts as two collectibles.

The next collectible can be found under the bridge.

The artifact is next to the dead body, which is glowing purple.

The next collectible is on the bridge to Tyr’s Temple.

They are the Remnants of Asgard, and they are only available after completing the main story, which is why I advised you in the beginning of this guide to complete the game before going on a collectible hunt.

While on the bridge, you can find a Yggdrasil Drift near the bridge.

Go towards the temple and take the left down the stairs. Follow the path until you jump down to the ice.

Continue until you make it to the area where Kratos and Thor had there fight early in the game.

The next collectible can be found near the entrance to King’s Grave.

This one is a buried treasure, and it can only be found if you have the treasure map called Viking’s Gift, which you can get from the Raider Fort region.

In the same area, there is also another one of Odin’s Ravens. Look to your right and then up, and you should see it perched on the large gate.

The next collectible is another artifact. This one is near the buried treasure and Odin’s Raven.

Look around the area until you see a set of stairs leading up.

Go up the stairs and you will see a dead body with the artifact next to it.

The next collectible is near the same area as the last one.

Go to this area to find a Draugr Hole.

The next collectible is near Tyr’s Temple.

Under the temple, there is an entrance covered in ice. You can break the ice and find an artifact inside.

Near the area where you got the lost artifact, there is another Lore collectible.

This time, it is Tyr’s helmet, and you can find the runes engraved inside the helmet.

The last collectible in Lake of Nine is located here.

You will find the Berserker Gravestone in front of the large realm gates. After defeating the enemy, you will have successfully completely found all collectibles in Lake of Nine.

ALSO READ: God of War Ragnarok: The Elven Sanctum Favor Guide | All Clue Locations

Elijah Hernandez is someone that loves video games since he was little. It didn't matter to him if people didn't like a video game. If it was fun, that was all that mattered to him. He's also a huge fan of superhero media like Marvel and DC, so he's practically played games like Spider-Man and the Batman Arkham games. He's also into multiplayer games that strike his fancy, specifically games like Call of Duty and Fortnite. Most especially Fortnite since he can play as different Marvel and DC characters in a battle royale against other famous and iconic characters.
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