There’s not a lot of games like Genshin Impact where exploration pays off big time. The map of the game is filled with all sorts of activities and puzzles and each one of them gives you a loot chest at the very end. Most of these activities and puzzles aren’t even tied to quests so if you’re just going for those you’ll miss out on a lot of rewards. In this guide we’ll show you all of the Signal Spirit Locations for those who are trying to complete all of them!
Genshin Impact: All Signal Spirit Locations
Signal Spirits are things you find around the new desert areas of Genshin Impact and it’s basically activating a bunch of things marked with the waypoint. It’s one of the easier activities found in the map and they reward you with a chest at the very end. Here are all the Signal Spirit Locations.
Wadi Al-Majuj Signal Spirit

The first one is deceptively on top of Wadi Al-Majuj and is not deep below the ruins. It’s actually on the overworld.

You’ll find this mechanism on one of the ruins that you can start. It’ll then show you the first waypoint you need to go.

Each waypoint is marked by a tall pillar of light so it’s hard to miss it, if you’re having trouble finding these try doing it at night.

Activating the first waypoint will give you a glowing blue ball that follows you around, and another waypoint in the distance. Just keep following the waypoints and activating the mechanisms.

At the very end you’ll see the thing shown above and that will be the last waypoint that you activate. Once you do so, a chest will appear marking the end of that activity.
Khaj Nisut Signal Spirit

The next one is to the east, past the Tanit Camps. Same deal as before follow the waypoints and get the prize at the end.

Mt. Damavand Signal Spirit

The next one is near the end of the previous Signal Spirit. Do mind the enemies around, don’t worry we don’t need them for the activity so feel free to delete them from the face of the earth.

Qusayr Signal Spirit

The next one again is near the last one’s end. Just in the cliffs west of qusayr Al-Inkhida’.

Qusayr Signal Spirit

The next one is far to the northwest, near the Sands of Three Canals. This one is a bit difficult to start since the next waypoint from the start is obstructed by a hill. Just head north from the start and you’ll see it over the hill.

The Sands of Three Canals Signal Spirit

Right into the middle of the Sands of Three Canals is the next Signal Spirit. Just on top of some ruins you’ll find it on a broken wall next to an obelisk.

Wadi Al-Majuj Signal Spirit

The last one on the list is to the southwest of Mt. Damavand.

Congratulations you now know where all the Signla Spirit Locations are in Genshin Impact, now go out there and try to do all of them yourself! Many thanks to WoW Quests for showing everyone how to do this, if you need more information on the subject then go check their video out here: All Signal Spirit Locations Genshin Impact – YouTube
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