Everybody wants to be the bad guy in A One Piece Game, why? Because evil is cool, that and people have a habit of not growing out of their chuuni phase for whatever reason.
That, however, is a different issue altogether. So, in order to get Sukuna’s style and be a complete baddie, you’re going to need his fingers.
If you’re familiar with the lore then it’s known that there’s a total of twenty fingers that are needed to be put together in order to get the Sukuna experience.
Find out where you can get twenty of Sukuna’s fingers with the location guide below!
All Sukuna’s Fingers Spawn Locations Guide
In order to begin the search, you must first go to Jujutsu in the Multiverse Sea. Now, Fingers spawn into the map every five minutes.
Once you get the twenty fingers, you can go and talk to Sukuna himself in the middle of the city. Another thing you’ll need is one Divine Curse Skill and 10000 gems.
To make sure that you’re first in line when getting the fingers, join a private server.
If joining a private server isn’t an option, then just hang around the seventeen possible locations until you get what you need.

Location No. 1
Let’s start away from all the clutter that is the middle of the city. Look at the bottom left of the map where the giant red tree is.
We’ll save you the trouble of having to climb the tree right here because the finger spawns underneath it. The same goes for the other giant red tree on the upper right side.

Location No. 2
Next location is right across the tree where you started. Climb up the hill and you’ll see an empty space on top.

Location No. 3
Another finger can be found next to the sidewalk across the highest building on the island.

Location No. 4
Go around the corner from your last position and you’ll find another finger at the bottom of the stairs.

Location No. 5
Head around the back of the tallest building and go under the red tree.

Location No. 6 & 7
Head to the upper part of the city and check the two buildings sitting further from the center. Both fingers will spawn on the roof.

Location No. 8
While being next to the center of the city, look to the upper right side of the map and find the building that has a water tower on it.

Location No. 9
On the opposite side of the water tower building, head back down to the sidewalk. There’s a finger you can find right next to the clinic.

Location No. 10
This one is on the center of the city. Find the only curved sidewalk in the middle of the city and your chances of finding a finger will increase.

Location No. 11
Across that sidewalk is location number 11. This one’s rather easy as the finger is right behind Sukuna himself. At this point, you can just borrow one from him since he’s so close.

Location No. 12 & 13
Here’s another two for one finger combination. Head to the upper left corner of the city and find the buildings that have two water towers. High contrast yellow arrows provided for your convenience.

Location No. 14 & 15
Just a few more! Go to the left side of the city and you’ll find two more buildings with water towers on top. The other building is separated from the rest, making it easier to zero in on its location.

Location No. 16 & 17
The last known location is the building to the left of Sukuna. You can try both buildings on the south side of the city if either one hasn’t spawned on for you.

And that’s all of the possible locations for Sukuna’s fingers in A One Piece Game. Now, jump around and see where those digits are hiding!

If a finger spawn how long will it stay
Hello there, Ali! They don’t despawn. 🙂
Is there any problem if i collect 8 fingers and leaved the server and came back tommarrow my 8fingers will be there or it will be not there?
they will be there