Some items in games require no effort at all to get. You just go to a location and the item you want will be there along with twenty sets of traps that go off all at once because you got too excited. Lucky for you, things are different in A One Piece Game.
However, different doesn’t always mean it’s going to be easier. If it’s an item that blows a hole into the Earth’s crust, then a considerable amount of effort will need to be exerted to get it.
Find out what you need to do in order to get the Pirate King’s Sword by reading the adventure guide below!
How To Get Pirate King’s Sword & Showcase
There’s plenty of requirements to get Gol D. Roger’s sword. To start things off, you need to find him in God Valley.
This area can only be accessed by going to the Third Sea. The Third Sea itself will have its own set of requirements for you to access:
- 25k total stats
- 5 Aokiji Raids
- 5 Leopard Dungeons
- 5 Sea Beast Kills
- 2 Poneglyphs from any sea
After going through all of that, go to Old Fosc on Dawn Island Sea 1 to enter the Third Sea. To skip all of that, check out the game pass.
You can get the Pirate King’s sword instantly, however – as always, it’s not worth the money.

Other Requirements
When you get to God’s Valley, talk to the NPC by the pier so you won’t have to redo the entire trip. After that, go to the middle of the island.
It’s not that big of a place, plus you have to giant mountains to look at. Gol D. Roger, or the Pirate King, will be at the bottom of those mountains.
There’s also a staircase that leads up to his location. To wield his sword, here are some more requirements:
- 7k Sword Stats
- All Haki Unlocked
- 4 Poneglyphs
- 50k Games
- King of the Pirates Title
Another hurdle you need to overcome to get the sword is to defeat a few world bosses. These bosses will consist of Shanks, Big Mom, and the Kraken.
All of them will need to be defeated at least twice. After that, go to the island and kill the Pirate King.

Pirate King’s Sword Showcase
If you get to this part then that means you have defeated the Pirate King, great work! If you’re just doing some reading, then that’s completely fine as well.
Here, you can see the basic M1 doing at least 1,638,400 damage. That’s after upgrading the sword a few times with the help of the Blacksmith.

Divine Departure
Up next is your Q move, Divine Departure. A large AOE Blast that deals more than 5,000,000 damage.

Kings Conquest
Kings Conquest is your E move. This one fires a dark red beam towards your target. It only hits one target at the positive cost of doing nearly two million points of damage. That’s more than what Divine Conquest can do!

Strikes Of The New World
Strikes of the new world foes to your R key by default. The attack starts by sending out a circular blast that will knockback anyone nearby. After that, it fires another blast that covers a wide area going forward and will deal 8,000,000 million damage.

King Of The Pirates
Press F to not pay respects, but to change your mode and increase your overall damage output for a limited amount of time. It also makes you move around faster, making you a difficult target to hit. Turn it on and off again with the same key if you want to save up on stamina.

Conquerors Guillotine
This move is quite flashy. It takes a while to charge but again, it covers an even larger area. The final blast can deal up to a whopping 9,000,000 points of damage.

Activating All Modes / Haki
Move further down on your moves list and activate Limitless along with Hero mode and King Of The Pirates. Don’t forget Armament Haki as well. You’re basically roided with all of those skills coursing through your bloodstream.
Do something as simple as an M1 and you’ll be able to deal 60 to 64,000,000 point of damage. Because adding an extra zero is always a good thing, as long as it goes to the right.

And that’s how you get the Pirate King’s Sword in AOPG. Now, go visit the Blacksmith to further enhance the weapon’s capabilities!
In case you still don’t have the Sukuna Style, make sure to check out our guide on how to acquire it as well: how to get Sukuna Style & Mahoraga Mode guide.