Titan Shifting in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

AOT Revolution: Best Shifting Build Guide

How to stay in titan form longer!

Aaron Rabaya
7 Min Read

One of the most highly sought out playstyles in AOT Revolution is the Shifter character. As a Shifter, you can adopt the powers of a Titan. This grants you a large pool of health while being able to dish out devastating amounts of damage! If this sounds like your cup of tea, then I suggest reading more below. Here is the best shifting build guide for AOT Revolution!

What Are The Best Shifting Builds?

General Perks

Before pursuing the following builds, you must first use these three specific perks. They help enable the player to do multiple shifts in a row. These are the following:

Perk Effect
ResilientThis perk allows you to shift 2 times in a row. It increases the charge speed of your Awakening Bar by  5%
IndefatigableSimilar to the previous perk, Indefatigable can help you shift 3 times in a row. This can also fill the Awakening Bar by 15-25% faster. Very handy indeed.
Founder’s BlessingLastly, the Founder’s Blessing provides a bonus similar to the other two. You now can shift 5 times in a row while your Awakening Bar charges 30% faster. What makes it stand out, is its additional effects of increasing your Aggro range by 150 meters. Your Titan form’s stats also increase by 12.5%

Memories for Shifters

Moving on, there are also three key Memories which you should focus on. These Memories complement the builds that will be discussed later on in the guide. Look out for these in particular:

LifefeedThis Memory lets you earn back 2.5% of your health for every Titan kill—making you last longer during combat situations. 
QuakestrikeAn offensive Memory that increases the damage you deal by 1.5% for every kill made. However, this resets after you reload your blades.
ResilienceFor the third choice, a defensive Memory that increases your chances of survivability by making you ignore one killing blow from an enemy

Were you able to get ‘em all? Great. Now, let’s head on to the most important part of this guide! 

Different Build Options in AOT Revolution

  1. Full Damage

As the name implies, this playstyle lets you go ham on your enemy. You’re able to create insane damage when attacking—leaving no room for your opponent to strike back as much. For your skills, you want to mainly use the ones listed on the Offense Tree, which can be found in the middle.

Offense Tree for Shifting Build Guide in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

As you progress, you want to pick the ones located at the left subtree. Having all these skills in hand will enable the Full Damage build effectively. The only downside to this build is that it makes you vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. Without any sort of defensive skill, you can easily be defeated.

  1. Crit build

Next, we have the Crit Build which centers around increasing your critical hit chance. It aims to deal significantly more damage with each successful attack. To do this, you generally want to unlock Cooldown II. This decreases your skill cooldown speed by 20 percent

Cooldown II Skill in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

Additionally, you want to grab every single skill located within the right side of the Offense Tree

Offense Tree (right side) for Shifting Build Guide in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

There are 2 specific perks that you could benefit from when trying this method. First is Sanctified, a perk that increases your crit chance by 20%. And Peerless Focus, which increases your crit damage by 30% and your crit chance by 10%

3. Full Cooldown build

The Full Cooldown Build has similar skills to the previously mentioned types. Here, you are still mainly focused on the offense. The only difference is the inclusion of an 89-90% reduction rate in the Cooldown II skill. This lets you increase the number of times you can activate your abilities. In other words, spammy gameplay.

Cooldown II Skill in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

Build Recommendations

For non-Fritz or Shiki Families:

Type of PerkPerksEffects
OffensiveKango, Unparalleled Strength, or Peerless StrengthThese perks focus on increasing damage output or attack speed.
DefensiveImmortal or F of VitalityThese perks will help enhance survivability, providing extra health or damage reduction.
SupportTatsujin, Six Sense, or Gear MasterThese perks provide utility, such as increased movement speed, skill cooldown reduction, or resource generation.
Other Available Perks for Shifting Build Guide in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

Fritz/Shiki Families:

Because of your Family’s high stats, you can focus on a more crit-related approach. For this part of the guide, you can follow the information already listed in the Crit build above. 

Finally, it is also recommended to equip Artifacts. Items like the Crown will give you full skill cooldown reduction and the Scarf increases overall ODM damage. This deadly combination allows for frequent ability usage while maintaining strong damage output.

Scarf in AOT Revolution (Roblox)

Additional Tips

Before attempting to recreate these builds, you must first increase your Shifter Mastery. This can be done by participating in Raids. You can choose whichever difficulty you like as long as it suits your level and playstyle. If you want to know more about Raids, we have an AOT Revolution: Complete Attack Raid Guide just for you! And yes, they can be done with friends.

As mentioned before, you will want to get the three perks listed in the General Perks section. Although, if you are still working towards obtaining all three, it is recommended that you focus on getting Indefatigable first! 

If you made it this far, thanks! I hope this Shifting build guide was able to help you with choosing the playstyle you want in AOT Revolution. As always, if you enjoyed this read, give our other guides a look while you’re at it!

Aaron is an up and coming writer who adores coop-based videogames. He enjoys the thrill of teamwork while sharing a laugh with his friends. He is also a fan of playing older titles like Fallout or the Batman Arkham series, but never refuses to try out new games. Especially games where he could hop on with others. To him, the best experience is an experience shared with others.
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