
Arcane Lineage: All Chaotic Trainers Loctions

Through the dark, deep caves.

Arcane Lineage all Chaos Trainers
Arcane Lineage all Chaos Trainers

Figuring out where the next Chaotic Trainer in Arcane Lineage you need to find can be so daunting. Like many hardcore RPG games, you also don’t know where to look here and is left to explore the area on your own. If you’re lucky, you might not have to spend an entire hour going around several maps to find the Chaotic Trainers.

All Chaotic Trainers Loctions

All of the Chaotic Trainers are located deep from Deeproot Canopy, also called Deepforest/Swamp. Usually, there’s an ultimate skill available to learn nearby. Several of them are located nearby and remember that you need to bring gold before you set off to train, usually 250 to 300 gold for skills alone.

Aside from gold, you always want to have already maxed out your base role level before heading into Deeproot area.

Assassin Trainer

We start with the Assassin Trainer and Shadow Cloak skill. From the canopy, look to your left and follow this dirt road.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

When it branches, take the road to the right through the archways until you see this particular archway.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

Note the red mark on the right arch and you’ll see a way into the cave. Go inside the cave and drop down, but not all the way down.

At this level, go straight that you’ll see a guy sitting with a campfire on. That’s the Chaotic Trainer for Assassin class.There’s the Shadow Cloak inside the scroll next to him.

Arcane Lineage Assassin Chaotic Trainer

Darkwraith Trainer

Next is the Darkwraith Trainer which is not far from this one. We go back to the archway we took after branching out from the dirt road. Now go left instead of right into the cave and go up the stairs. And then up another set of stairs and stay on the left side of the road until you see this archway.

After you go pass that archway, you’ll enter the Cess Grounds. Basically, you want to use the right-wall strategy while avoiding the purple cesspools which will deal damage if you touch them. Keep going until you enter an alleyway that ends with a narrow space into the room where the Darkwraith Trainer is.

There’s also the Shade Walker there that you can buy for 250 gold.

Arcane Lineage Darkwraith Trainer

Berserker, Greatsword and Necromancer Trainer

Next is the Berserker Trainer who also has the Greatsword next to him. Still at the branched way after the second archway, but before the stairs that lead to the Cess Grounds, take this left turn into this alley.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

Turn left and travel into the Deeproot Depths. It is hard to see at all here, so make sure to crank up your brightness and gamma so you can make shape of the way. Avoid the pitfalls and keep going straight until you see this way to jump the platform to the left.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

Trust in the glowing mushrooms. From here, go to your left, and you’ll have to jump through several gaps here.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

Keep jumping until you see this mushroom on your right side to reorientate. It’s right on the corner of the wall and edge of the ground. You need to keep going in this direction, which is going to be quite a wide pathway leading to your destination.

But before that, the stairs will need to a huge gap with only small platforms in between. It’s a jumping platform challenge to reach the goal. Here’s the Greatsword Trainer and the Greatsword that you can buy for 300 gold.

Now we’re back at the shrooms where you can reorientate yourself for the Necromancer Trainer. This time, head to the same way the shroom is at, the complete opposite from the way to the Greatsword Trainer.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainers

Stick to the left wall and turn around once when it does. There’ll be a huge gap again with several platforms you need to jump through. Jump over until you reach the house at the end where the Necromancer Trainer is.

In this house, you can learn Corrupt Caster as well as become a Necromancer by talking to the NPC in there.

Arcane Lineage Necromancer Chaotic Trainer

Impaler Trainer

Now we go all the way back to the start of Deeproot Canal and look for the Impaler Trainer. Take the dirt road, but instead of right, keep going straight and up the stairs here. The road continues again from here, so follow it, but remember to ignore the guy on your right leaning on the tree. That guy triggers a mini-boss fight.

Arcane Lineage Chaotic Trainer

Arcane Lineage Impaler Chaotic Trainer

This caravan before the rock bridge can activate a fast travel. Talk to the NPC since you’re here to unlock it for your future visits. Then take the rock bridge and reach the end for the warp that’ll bring you to the town of Westwood Heart.

Once you jump into the town, the Impaler Trainer should be leaning on a house, right next to the bridge. And the Bloody Menace scroll is right next to him, costing 250 gold to buy.

Arcane Lineage Impaler Chaotic Trainer

Those are all the Chaotic Trainers that you can find within the Deeproot area of the game.

ALSO READ: Arcane Lineage: How To Get Mage | Staff Class


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