If you’re a returning player to A Universal Time (AUT), you’ll probably be a bit surprised by some of the changes. The obtainment method for pretty much every single ability and spec in the game has drastically changed.
Both new and returning players may find it a bit confusing at first, so in this guide, we’ll go through all of the relatively easy steps you need to take.
How to Get Every Ability – Stands, Original & Universal
To keep it simple, getting any ability in the game right now basically boils down to the following steps:
- Step 1 – Acquire ability shards from the Ability Gacha Banner NPC.
- Step 2 – Find other crafting materials from chests that drop from hostile NPCs like thugs.
- Step 3 – Go to the Crafting NPC to make the desired ability.
This major rework of the ability obtainment system is a part of AUT’s massive Update 3.0 that was rolled out around a month ago.
Unfortunately, this particular change was poorly communicated to the community. Players are confused by how it works now because most quests that still work do not reward you with abilities anymore.

Acquiring Ability Shards
In order to get ability shards, you will have to try your luck at the Ability Gacha Banner NPC standing at the starting zone.
The banner’s loot pool will show you the odds of getting shards of certain rarities. In addition to that, the three featured abilities will have a higher chance of dropping, and these rotate every hour.
Each pull costs 400 uShards or 100 uPoints (bought with Robux). If you need more currency to do more pulls, check out our guide on the best way to farm uShards.

Acquiring Crafting Materials
Most crafting materials are acquired as random drops from the chests that spawn after clearing a group of enemies.
Some of them, like the Arrow and Bat, can spawn on the ground at random locations. Because of this, you should definitely be keeping an eye out for anything that sticks out as you run around the map.

Crafting Requirements for Every Ability
In this section, we’ll be listing down every recipe that the Crafting NPC will have. The rarity of each ability/material will also be shown to give you a better idea of how hard it’s going to be to get them.
NOTE: For the sake of simplicity, shards will not be named. These all have the exact same name as the ability they correspond to.
Common Abilities
- Crazy Diamond – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- The Hand – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- Sakuya Izayoi – 1 Shard
- Casey – 1 Shard, 1 Bat (Uncommon item)
- Brickbattle – 1 Shard and one of each of these items: Trowel, Superball, Bomb, Slingshot, Ban Hammer, Paintball Gun, Rocket Launcher, Sword.
- Silver Chariot – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- Mero Mero – 1 Shard, 1 Mero Fruit
- Anshen – 1 Shard
- Base Hamon – 1 Shard
- Standless – 1 Shard
Uncommon Abilities
- Star Platinum: The World – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- Sticky Fingers – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- Gold Experience – 1 Shard, 1 Arrow
- Killua – 1 Shard, 1 Yo-Yo
- TWHV – 1 Shard, 1 Saints Eyes (Epic item)
- Vampire – 1 Shard, 1 Vampire Mask
- Sans – 1 Shard, 1 Bone (Legendary item)
- D4C – 1 Shard, 1 Heart of the Saint (Epic item)
- Jonathan Hamon – 1 Shard
- ShadowDio – 1 Shard

Rare Abilities
- Whitesnake – 2 Shards, 1 Requiem Arrow (Epic item)
- The World – 2 Shards, 1 Arrow
- Killer Queen – 2 Shards, 1 Arrow
- Soul Survivor – 2 Shards
- Asgore – 2 Shards, 1 Heart (Legendary item)
- Star Platinum – 2 Shards, 1 Arrow
- Broly – 2 Shards
- Joseph Hamon – 2 Shards, 1 Aja Stone
- King Crimson – 2 Shards, 1 Requiem Arrow (Epic item)
Epic Abilities
- Sol – 2 Shards, 1 Cosmic Fragment
- Magician’s Red – 2 Shards, 1 Arrow
- SPR – 2 Shards, 1 Cursed Orb (Mythical Item)
- Weather Report – 2 Shards, 1 Requiem Arrow
- D4C: Love Train – 2 Shards, 1 Saint’s Corpse (Legendary item)
- Locke – 2 Shards
- C-Moon – 2 Shards
- Yasuo – 2 Shards
- Yone – 2 Shards
- Nocturnus – 2 Shards, 1 Evil Fragment (Rare item)
Legendary Abilities
- Made in Heaven – 3 Shards
- The Strongest – 3 Shards, 1 Gojo’s Blindfold (Check out our guide on how to get Gojo for this one)
- PLANET // SHAPER – 3 Shards, 1 Shaper’s Essence (Epic item)
- STWR – 3 Shards, 1 Cursed Orb (Mythical item)
- Candy Cutlass – 3 Shards
- Gold Experience Requiem – 3 Shards
- Cursed Child – 3 Shards
- The World: Over Heaven – 3 Shards, 1 DIO’s Diary (Rare item)
- Umbra – 3 Shards
- Reaper – 3 Shards, 1 Corrupted Soul
- Dawn – 3 Shards, 1 Tales of the Universe

And that is everything you need to know about obtaining each of the abilities in A Universal Time. If you’re going to start grinding up for gacha pulls, make sure to check out our guide on the Black Market NPC’s spawn locations to stock up on more uShards.