AUT on Roblox has a new TF2 Update 2025 that brings a lot of exciting content and changes to the game. Not only do we have new quests, NPCs and enemies, but we also have an exciting new TF2 Spec. On top of that, Vampire also has a new Rework.
Wondering how you can get all of these Specs and enjoy them for yourselves? In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how you can get both of the specs. Additionally, we’ll show you the movesets for both specs so you can decide if the grind is worth it. Let’s dive in!
How To Obtain Team Fortress 2 Spec & Reworked Vampire
Fulfilling the requirements for both the new Team Fortress 2 Spec (aka The Mercenaries) and the Reworked Vampire will require items that can only be obtained as drops. So, a lot of it will depend on your luck.
Expect to grind a bit for both of these specs.
Team Fortress 2 Spec Obtainment
Starting off, to get the new Team Fortress 2 Spec, you will need to talk to the new interactive NPC, Skaidev. This Mercenaries NPC can be found in Alabasta and has a pumpkin on his head.
You can find him in the alley shown below when you reach the location.

Talking to him will give you the new Mercenaries quest where you need to acquire 7 items. Here are the objectives:
- Retrieve x1 Grenade Launcher
- Retrieve x1 Eyelander
- Retrieve x1 Medic’s Equipment
- Retrieve x1 Knife
- Retrieve x1 Rocket Launcher
- Retrieve x1 Chargin’ Targe
- Retrieve x1 Flame Thrower.
These are a lot of items and getting them will depend on your luck. You’ll need to grind the game and open Loot Crates or Chests to be able to get all of them.
It is also much easier to get the Rocket Launcher by defeating Thugs.
Some players have been able to get these quickly while for others, it has taken a while.

Once you get all the items, you will need to kill the The Spy boss. This boss will spawn every 20 minutes in the Floating Village. Just look around and you should be able to find him in a corner.
Next, you will need to fight and defeat him. He is a tough boss that is Level 125. Some of his moves can stunlock you very easily, so you’ll need to be on your A game.

After you’ve defeated him, all you need to do is just return to the Skaidev NPC with the pumpkin head in Alabasta. Doing so will automatically give you the Team Fortress 2 Spec and complete The Mercenaries quest.

Team Fortress 2 Spec Moveset
After leveling up the The Mercenaries Spec, here are the moves that you get with it:
- M1 – Wrench Attack
- Pulls out an engineer wrench and do a simple M1 combo of 4 hits.
- M2 – Pocket Surprise
- Pulls out a gun and shoots the enemy in front pushing them away
- X – Meet Spy
- Stabs the enemy ahead, pulling them into an animation. You will grab the enemy and stab them a few times before throwing them away
- Q – Meet Pyro
- Uses the flamethrower to deal constant damage to any enemy in front
- E – Meet Heavy
- Uses the mini gun to fire bullets constantly in front. Can be used to stunlock enemies.
- R – Meet Scout
- Hits the enemy with a melee attack before firing a powerful shotgun blast
- T – Meet Sniper
- Pulls out a sniper and starts charging up the attack. Aim and fire at the enemy to deal a powerful sniper shot pushing them away
- Y – Meet Medic (Hold)
- Holding this move will heal anyone in front using the healing gun
- Y – Sandwich
- Eats a sandwich to heal
- G – Meet Soldier
- Pulls out a rocket launcher and fires it on the ground, dealing AoE damage. The impact will push the player away
- H – Charging Knight
- Charges ahead in a straight line with a sword dealing damage to anyone in the path
- Z – Spy Cloak (Hold)
- Holding this move will turn the player invisible
- Z – Meet Demoman
- Fires a grenade launcher in an arc at the enemy, dealing explosive damage.
As you can see, the Mercenaries Spec is one of the best added to AUT so far, both in terms of damage and the variety you get. All of the moves are a great reference to the TF2 game, including the final pose.

Reworked Vampire Obtainment
Next, we’ll be looking at how you can get the new and improved Vampire spec in AUT. Starting off, the first thing you’ll need to do is get the Stone Mask. This item can be found as a drop from Loot Crates.
Using the Stone Mask will allow you to get the base Vampire spec. If you already have the Vampire spec, it is possible you can just skip this step. But we have not been able to confirm this. Either way, this part can be quite grindy
Next, you will need to fight the Dio Brando Boss, which is different from regular Dio. This step is needed if you want to get Vampirism Mastery, which is what you need to get the Reworked Vampire.
To do this, you will first need to farm Dio’s Charms that can be found from Loot Crates too. If you were farming for the TF2 spec, it is possible you might have some already.
After that, go to the Crafting NPC and you will be able to convert x6 Dio’s Charms for x1 Dio’s Remains. You can use Dio’s Remains to be able to spawn the Dio Brando Boss.

Your next goal will be to fight the Dio Brando Boss, which is a Level 100 boss. This boss has a 20% chance to drop Vampirism Mastery after being defeated. After some grinding, you should be able to acquire this.
Simply use Vampirism Mastery once you have the base Vampire, and you will get the Reworked Vampire.
So, overall, here are the steps to follow for Reworked Vampire:
- Obtain Stone Mask for base Vampire
- Obtain Dio’s Charms and convert them into Dio’s Remains
- Use Dio’s Remains to spawn Dio Brando Boss
- Defeat boss to get Vampirism Mastery as a 20% chance drop.
If you want, you can even get the Vampirism Mastery before the Stone Mask. But, of course, use Vampirism Mastery after using the mask.

Reworked Vampire Moveset
After much grinding, here are the moves you should be able to get with the Reworked Vampire:
- M1 Combo
- A standard M1 combo with a purple VFX effect after the final punch
- X – Grab
- Grabs the opponent and punches them away
- Q – Regeneration
- Slowly recovers health while posing
- E – Relentless Barrage
- Deal multiple punches with continuous damage to any enemies in front of you, pushing them away with the final punch
- R – Driving Force
- Dash ahead and damage any enemy before dashing back with a kick
- T – Corpse Hurl
- Throw a body at the enemy, which explodes with blood after impact
- T – Surprise Impact (Hold)
- Streaks of blood appear above any enemies in range before dropping down dealing AoE damage
- Y – Phantom Mirage
- Dash through enemies before turning invisible
- G – Life Drain
- Dash ahead and grab the first enemy, draining their health and increasing yours
- G – Space Ripper Stingy Eyes (Hold)
- Produces a laser from the eyes hitting enemies in front at range
- H – Inhumane Perception
- Produces an orb above the enemy
- B – Vaporization Freezing
- Freezes the enemy within range of the punch.

That’s everything you need to know about obtaining the Team Fortress 2 Spec and the Reworked Vampire in AUT. We strongly suggest getting them both as they are some of the best specs added. If you’re a Vampire main, you’ll definitely enjoy the changes the devs made!