Jon Suan

An aspiring Game Journalist and Fiction writer.
2606 Articles

Submarine Dream Puzzle Guide – Atomic Heart

The newest and hottest game out there right now is Atomic Heart,…

Jon Suan

Naruto Shinobi Striker Tier List

Tier lists are the best way to find out what’s the meta…

Jon Suan

Wild Hearts – Where to Find Ancient Lumber

There are not many games out there like Monster Hunter, it’s been…

Jon Suan

Wild Hearts: Where To Find Sharp Scale | Location

Wild Hearts is the newest and hottest game out there that’s trying…

Jon Suan

How To Get Money Quick in Settlers New Allies

Making money in video games is just like getting a damage boost,…

Jon Suan

All Powderfall Bluffs Map Data Nodes in Slime Rancher 2

Slimes in video games are often these low-level enemies that you kill…

Jon Suan

All 3 The Conservatory Treasure Pods in Slime Rancher 2

With the success of Slime Rancher and thousands of players enjoying taking…

Jon Suan

Saber Gordo Location in Slime Rancher 2

Since the start of Slime Rancher 2 during early access the game…

Jon Suan

Slime Rancher 2: How to Reach Powderfall Bluffs

Slimes in video games have always been more of a JRPG thing…

Jon Suan

How To Play Co-Op In Wild Hearts

There are not that many co-op games out there compared to single-player…

Jon Suan

Wild Hearts: Talk to Natsume – Stuck at Festival Fix | Missing NPC

Modern video developers and publishers these days love to ship out their…

Jon Suan

Where To Find Your DLC In Wild Hearts

DLC gets some bad wrap usually in video games and we understand.…

Jon Suan

How To Conjure The Dragon Karakuri In Wild Hearts

There’s a new game in town and it’s Wild Hearts, a hack-and-slash…

Jon Suan

How To Hunt The Kemono In Wild Hearts

The game Wild Hearts has had a lot of hype surrounding it…

Jon Suan

Wild Hearts: Small Scale Locations | How to Get Small Scale

The Monster Hunter series has always been a niche genre in video…

Jon Suan